Keto and Healthy Living ( Getting too comfortable or going off track with Keto or Healthy Living) by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik



For 3 years my wife Annie and I have been living a KETO LIFESTYLE. I started my blogs at the very start of our journey, and during this journey we have become experts in the Keto Lifestyle. We did this not only through our experience but also by learning from others, researching, and education. 

Today Annie and enjoy a happier and healthier life and I truly believe you can do this also!

We belong to Keto groups, follow top doctors and have created our own Facebook group.

WE ARE NOT HEALTH PROFESSIONALS HOWEVER but we decided to try to help others live a KETO LIFESTYLE or go HEALTHY LIVING so that you can optimize your health in a HAPPY and HEALTHY way.

Annie and I got invited to a friends birthday party recently so we decided we would go. It was at a park on a beautiful day however the first thing we noticed was a cake that was very beautiful and looked amazing but it was full of sugar!

This particular friend was aware of Annie and I doing the Keto Lifestyle but the question got asked if I could have a small piece of the cake?

The answer was no but it got me thinking about who Annie and I 3 years ago had a completely different way of eating and  we both had several health issues. Matter of fact to tell the truth I was not really into the idea of Keto at first Annie jumped right in but it took me a few months to jump all in. Annie was even open to me not doing Keto Life with her but in the end I am glad I did.

I tell you this because in the time we have been doing Keto we have helped several people and I also believe that if you're not about Keto Lifestyle you can have a Healthy Lifestyle. That is why my blogs include things that may not fit into the Keto Lifestyle.

Back to the question about the cake could I have had a small piece?

Changing how you look at something or do something can be difficult sometimes even after 3 years of doing a Keto Lifestyle Annie and I get comfortable plus we sometimes go a little off track. We may do too many fruits, or do too many smoothies, or eat too many veggies, or try too much sugar free candy. It is not that we are doing things outside of our Keto Lifestyle but we are pushing the limits of the Lifestyle.

The issue is we always feel the after effects!

My answer to cake is simple yea I could have probably eaten a small piece but what happens when I go off track is my body feels it. Annie and I both have found that when we get too comfortable or go off track a little it changes the way our bodies react to what we did.

We often discuss what we are doing in our food area that is affecting us and how it is affecting both of us. It is possible something may not affect me the same way it does Annie, and that is true among us all as we are each different. 

If you feel your going off track or getting to comfortable and it is affecting your health and well being it is time to take a look at what your doing different and what the impact of it is in your life and health.


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