When do you think you should start Keto? by Annie Tomsik

In 2018 I made a decision I would stop drinking soda as my New Years resolution. I succeeded for about two weeks and that was it. I craved the soda. I hid it. I made excuses for why I couldn't give it up. I convinced myself that Lemon-Lime soda was a better alternative to Cola. It wasn't until August of 2019 when I stopped eating sugar, carbs, and seed oils that I had success. 

How many times do we make excuses that they will start a diet tomorrow, next week, at the new year, etc. We tell ourselves we still have time. We don't really eat that much. We have low blood sugar so we have to graze throughout the day. (See footnote) It felt too hard. I wanted to eat what I wanted to eat. It was unfair that certain people could eat whatever they wanted to eat, and still look great. I would look in the mirror and hate who was looking back. There was no hiding it. I was taught to look at this as nastiness. People always made fun of the over-weight people. Fat isn't beautiful, it is disgusting. I grew up in a unacceptable society where if you were over-weight, that meant you were lazy.

It took the scare of diabetes to make me sit up and become determined. I was so afraid of becoming my brother, that I was dead-set on change and nothing but change! After my doctor's appointment on the day I was diagnosed, I went home with the mind set of all or nothing. My new found determination motivated me to search for an answer. That day I typed in "Reverse Type Two Diabetes" into the search engine, and opened up new doors that I have never turned back from.

If you are saying that I don't know how you feel, you are dead wrong! I have been fighting my weight for over thirty years. I would try everything that was recommended and only gain more. I got to where walking hurt. I couldn't breath. I was comfortable only eating. I tried low fat, I tried grains. I tried heart healthy, I tried juicing. I tried cottage cheese and salad diets. I tried soup diets. None of it worked. I would loose a few pounds and gain it back and more. 

When I found keto and learned the science, the results, and the history of it, it made sense. After starting it, I started feeling better. I had more energy. I started loosing weight. My health didn't just improve, but my clarity. I was able to take back my life.

Why am I telling you all of this? Because I want you to find what I did. I want you to be that person who takes your life back. I was a nurse for 20 years. I hate human suffering. There is already to much of it. So if we can change a life simply by choosing to eat differently, than count me in.

Don't just change your life for you. Do it for the next generation. Help reverse the disease that we can. There are so many illnesses that can't be overcome. But for those that can, shouldn't we try to get them under control? So do I recommend keto for people over-weight, for people with heart problems, for people with diabetes, for people with Muscular Sclerosis, for people with Fibromyalgia, for people with mental health issues, for people with eating disorders, or people with reproductive problems? Yes I do. Because I have has some of these health issues. I have also seen what Keto can do for the others. Most of all, I see doctors who have patients with these health problems. Doctors who live and prescribe a Ketogenic Lifestyle. 

Free Resources:   Keto for Healthier Life

Other Resources:

End Your Carb Confusion - Dr. Eric Westman

End your carb confusion cookbook - Dr Eric Westman

Lies My Doctor Told Me -  Dr. Ken Berry

The Diabetes Code - Dr. Jason Fung


65% of people in the world are diagnosed by a physician as having low blood sugar or Hypoglycemia. But medical science has found that less than 2% of the world population is non-diabetic Hypoglycemic. Everyone else has Hyperinsulinemia. If you have symptoms of Hyperinsulinemia, please find our free resources on Keto for Healthier Life.


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