Keto and Healthy Living ( Money and the Keto Lifestyle and Healthy Living in 2022 ) by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik



Thanks for reading my blog about our Keto Lifestyle and Healthy Living. It is my goal to help you gain Happiness and Health just through eating the foods you love. 

It has been proven over time that food is the key to our Happiness and Health.

Our lives are tied into many things and the way we eat is tied into what we can afford. It is a sad truth that eating Healthy or a Keto Lifestyle may cost more at the grocery store. With the current cost of food rising it becomes harder to eat good healthy foods because the unhealthy foods are cheaper. 

I live in Springfield Missouri we primarily shop  at Walmart, Price Cutters. or HyVee because these are the main stores in the area. There are a few other stores and smaller markets but these three stores cover the market in Springfield, Also most of the smaller markets have higher prices.

Recently at our local Walmart I walked past watermelon selling at $9 up from last year selling around $6. last year we had a watermelon in the house all summer long eating one a week about. I walked past the meat department and all the meats have gone up in price along with fruits and veggies as well.

I sit and think about our budget as a family my wife and I live the Keto Lifestyle and my daughter Alyssa is a vegetarian. I hate to even think about walking into the store knowing  that buying the food we need is going to cover a good portion of the budget. 

Than I think how can people live and eat healthy if the food we need to live that way cost more?

I began to think of it like this living the Keto Lifestyle or Healthy Living may cost more but it has been proven that eating these types of foods directly impacts your health. So in spending a little more on the foods prevents me from getting ill it saves me money on doctor bills, medical expenses, prescriptions, and time I would spend going to appointments and extra.

Here are few suggestions on how to save on food cost:

You can try to grow your own food I have watched some shows where as people have done some fantastic things with little or no space. Annie and I have a small garden in our back yard and every year we try to plant and grow some of our own foods. Even in small places you can grow herbs, or some veggies.

See if you can find a farmer you can buy from directly sometimes small farms in the area will sell fruits and veggies and things like eggs at a cheaper price than the store. Annie and I have  found some local farms that you pick your fruits like strawberries or blueberries. This is usually cheaper than the store plus you can make an adventure out if it.

Find a local Farmers Market though the prices usually are higher at Farmers Markets the food is coming directly from the farm. However in the past there have been some scandals about this I watched some series where as the vendors had been not honest about where the foods and products they had been selling had come from. Also you need to ask questions about chemicals used for pest control.

Hunt or Fish for your own food. I love fishing but I am not much of a hunter but if you have the ability to hunt or fish for your own food than do it. 

I only am for hunting or fishing for food if your going to eat it however not just for the sport of it.

join a co-op some places have communities that are into growing foods or purchasing foods together. This can be a way of saving on foods, also there are a few state or federal programs that you can get involved in that provides ways to get large quantities of food for way cheaper prices . They even deliver the food!

Shop for deals. One thing I noticed if I go to Price Cutters in the mornings sometimes I find deals on meats that have a limited shelf life or that have been marked down. Going though coupons in the paper or online can help you save on food cost as well.

A good note if you are living a Keto Lifestyle or eating Healthy you should be eating less as well so this means buying less foods.

I will be the first to admit going to the store is the last thing I want to do anymore. It just blows my mind every-time I go. I love blueberries and strawberries  however a small container of them runs about $4 a larger container about $8, and I bought a 60 pack of eggs yesterday was nearly $11.

I shopped at Walmart  last night and before I left the store with less food I had spent $62 and this might have covered only 1 or 2 meals. I admit it is hard however I still feel that it is better to spend a little more on good healthy foods than like I said above to be spending my time ill.



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