WWE Story Lines Part #2 Going from Good to Bad or Bad to Good?

I wrote a blog last week about WWE building story lines but it is concerning how the WWE is able to PULL A SWITCH and get the FANS to buy all in!

The WWE is ever changing and the story lines created for the wrestling entertainers changes as well but who is responsible for the story lines and how do they get the fans to change?

Do the story lines go to far, and why do the fans buy into the story lines changing?

I use Roman Reigns the current WWE UNIVERSAL CHAMPION as a current example. 

Roman has a current storyline as Head Chief of his family. This does fit into his real heritage background. However the WWE ran with it and maybe it has gone to far with it.

Roman once part of a group called the Shield, he grew to be admired by the fans, stood up to the Authority and fought many battles. However you tune into WWE today Roman is booed and hated by the fans. He cheats to win his matches using his real life cousin Jimmy Uso.

He currently holds the WWE Universal Championship  but he is playing what is called a heel in the WWE.

This happens a lot in the WWE going back you may recall RUSEV.

First brought into the WWE the fans hated him, booed him. He had epic battles to but than the WWE flipped the switch and all the sudden RUSEV was being cheered even had a day called RUSEV DAY.

Seth Rollins another current example in the WWE. 

Seth betrayed the Shield and than went on a long reign as a heel. 

Than like that he changed to a Good Guy and was admired and cheered by fans. 

Than once again the switch was pulled and Seth was back in heel mode.

A few wrestlers never swayed from the going back and forth in WWE history. 

If you look at wrestling history the person that really started it all was HULK HOGAN.

When Hogan joined the NWO. 

Hogan always touted as the ultimate Good Guy switched to the Bad Guy.

The WWE is famous for doing this if you actually went through to many of the more popular wrestlers and entertainers most of them have flipped a switch at one point or another.

I guess the fans just choose to buy into the story, see where it goes or where it takes them.

I could go through multiple wrestling entertainers that the WWE has changed from the Good to the Bad or the Bad to the Good. What is amazing however is the WWE fans seem to buy into it.


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