COVID 19 VIRUS and Lay Offs and Unemployment and Bills

I am following up on my last blog:

When you work for a company (NOT SELF EMPLOYMENT or INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS) your  employer takes out unemployment from your check.
Unemployment is for people who lost a job for a reason they did not create..COVID 19!
So when your laid off you have to file through the State you live in, almost all unemployment isdone online.
What your pay will be will based on your income and State formula to calculate your exact payments.
Also you may have to wait up to 2 to 3  weeks for a first check from unemployment.
First you have to file than you have to wait 1 week that you are not paid for than you must file for the second week and than the 3rd week a check will arrive.


There are 4 main bills we as humans should worry about SHELTER ,FOOD,TRANSPORTATION, and UTILITIES.

With the cuts and lower incomes making food at home and cutting take outs may be a good option to cut expenses.
It may be a good time to learn to cook, learn how to make your own coffee drinks, or even possibly grow your own food.
Check Local food pantries, apply for food assistance in your State.

Some laws and  States have enacted landlord and mortgage companies from doing evictions, however as we all are aware at some point they are going to want to collect this bill.
If you can make arrangements on mortgage or loan than doso.
Talk To your Landlord directly and find out what arrangements can be made.
Though I doubt in this time anyone would really evict some one it can be fought by you as well.
Evictions can take a long time, first you must be notified, than you must be served, and than the lanlord legally could take it to a court and get an eviction order.
However in these times it may take several months to do this with closures of government services and courts and even police departments.
Seek out help from local churches, charity organizations, family, friends.

If you live in an area where as public transportation is an option than if you can use it safely do so.
Same as above contact your loan company or lender and see what kind of arrangements can be made on loans with vehicles.
Make sure to pay insurance companies as well as in all STATES legally to operate a vehicle you need insurance.
You could increase your deductibles, or degrecrease your ins on the vehicle,and talk to the insurance company to see if you can postpone payments or make an arrangement.

With people staying at home more electric, gas or propane is going to be used.
Again talk directly to utility company and see if an arrangement can be made.

As far as Credit Cards or other debts put all that on the back burner make small payments or the minimum payment if possible.

Most people have been laid off will receive unemployment so that will help however if you had been a sole prioter or self employed you may not have unemployment insurance.

Other Ideas:
Apply for food assistance and health insurance through the State you live in.
Contact community churches, food pantries,and help each other in your community.
Barter or trade services and goods.
Find a side gig UBEREATS, DOOR DASH, and GRUB HUB need delivery drivers!
Many restaurants are doing delivery as well and pharmacies!

I hope this helps if anyone who reads this would post links to help people that would be great!


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