The Dangers of Food Delivery by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik


Hello Fans and followers so doing food delivery you think that the job doesn't have some dangers to come with it well I got to experience first hand a few days ago one of the dangers with this job or self employment has being robbed.

Doing A food delivery at around 10:30 to 11:00 AM in the morning I walked up to an apartment and was held up at gun point for the food I had in my hand.

Luckily I was not injured or harmed but the robbers have not been caught either.

As a independent contractor and a person who writes about DOOR DASH and UBER there are somethings to consider when doing these types of jobs.

One of the first things is to consider is you are on the road more.
The more your on the road in all kinds of weather and traffic conditions the chances increase of a car accident happening to you.
I have seen a few car accidents happen to fellow drivers and this can really impact your money situation and health and well being.

What can you do?
Lower your deductibles and carry more insurance.
Sounds Like an old record but carry more insurance and lowering your deductibles will help in case of an accident and injury.

In the nearly 2 years in Reno I did DoorDash and Uber Eats I never got robbed.
I was in Springfield Missouri less than 2 months and got robbed on a delivery for the food at gun point.
It is a scary feeling when someone has a weapon pointed at you and you do not know your gonna be home to your family or not.
For me I was blessed the robbers took about $50 in food and left and I was unharmed but shaken for sure.

What Can you do?

Let It happen and just let the robbers have what they want.
Stay calm try to get a good description and call 911 ASAP.
Your life is not worth the food, money or vehicle.

One part of the delivery or passenger pick up services is that people stay home when sick or ill.
With recent outbreaks of new strains of virus this could become an issue,
As a delivery person you have to go in the restaurant and deliver to the door of the person buying the food.
People in your vehicle may be ill as well.

What can you do?
Disinfect your vehicle with a sanitizer or spray every trip or when passengers get out.
Limit your exposure on deliveries.


Recently My wife had a pretty interesting ride through LYFT where as the driver took her down roads and off the directions to here destination. This made me think what dangers are there for passengers and drivers.

Though I believe these services are of good value and the companies do perform background checks on drivers as a passenger you should always use caution.

What can you do?

Sit in the back seat because it is harder for a person driving a vehicle to reach behind them or get to you in the back seat. As a driver it does not bother me to have a passenger up front but as a passenger I feel that the back seat definitely could be to more of an advantage if I have a driver whom is questionable.
Tell someone your taking a service a friend,co worker, or family member.
Verify the vehicle and driver are the same most companies show photos of the driver, and a description of the vehicle.
If you feel uncomfortable get out of the vehicle.
These days nearly everyone has a cell phone make sure you have yours, be on the cell during the ride, or make the driver aware you have a cell phone.
Report to the company or even the police for anything that clearly makes it a bad ride.
Be alert and pay attention, know where your going,and don't let the driver go off route unless there is a good explanation.


What can you do?

Many drivers have turned to cameras or recording rides.
Legally you can do this however as a warning you must post legally in your vehicle that you are recording and audio taping.
I personally never got to the point I felt I needed this however it can be used for both the passenger and driver protection.
Verify the rider, the route, and make the rider feel comfortable.
Report any suspicious behaviors, and use services provided by the companies in case of an emergency.
Don't carry a lot of cash or expensive items in your vehicle.

Thanks for reading my blog I hope this helps both Passengers and Delivery Drivers along with Passenger Pick up Drivers.

The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik


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