How the Virus affects Cash Life Styles and RV Life Styles

I admit to waking up and before seeing the news praying that I will see better news but it seems to be getting worse everyday. Before I write this blog I pray to all those affected by the virus and the many affected by the virus called:


In the past I have written a few blogs on cash lifestyles but never in my mind I thought some of the possible things I mentioned would come true. 
Many business are closing and employees are worried and waiting to see the final outcome.
However in all these closures who's thinking of the people who have house payments,rent, food, car payments and more.
Yesterday joking around with some of my coworkers they had been talking about how credit card companies are seeking people out in this time.
While it may seem like a good idea to live off credit for awhile this could have a lasting impact overall.
Though having credit cards could save you on the short run what is it going to cost you in the long run?
At some point they want to collect money from you for the credit you have borrowed!

After years of being debt free my family broke our streak and currently had been attempting to purchase a home for $25,000.
With Annie and I both working we needed a second car so we just bought a car.
We also borrowed money for the down payments and extra for the house and car.
So we Jumped from little debt we had about $1300 till we had been debt free again to jumping into $30,000 of debt.

We did this just recently as the virus scare broke out.
We could back out of the house, and we could back out of the car if really needed. 
We also could return all the money we borrowed and we would be back at where we had been before it all began. We would be about $1300 in debt.

However because we moved from Reno NV to Springfield MO and currently are living paycheck to paycheck, and we spent most of our savings. 
Just for us one of us losing a job or being laid off at this point in time would be a big scare for us.

I am sure there are many people in this situation as the government and companies decide to close and lay off workers.

So our next issue would be our RV see OUR TOMSIK RV LIFE we call her Beasty she needs tons of repairs and we have lived in her for a while. We could continue to live in her and do the repairs however we had really been hoping to move into our new home.

There are many people whom call RVS home some live in parks and places the allow RVS but what if you cant pay your lot rent or space rent or what if the RV Park closes?

There are so many concerns and worries I can't even cover them in this blog.

Here is praying that this will be over soon and that all people affected will be given opportunity.

The Tomsik Family


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