Cash Living ,,Higher Wages vs Raising Cost of Living

We all live every day we most of us anyway work 40 hours a week or more or even have  a part time or side gig going on. Many of us in relationships both people work and share in expenses.

In 2020 wages are increasing but is this really a good thing because as wages increase so do all the expenses and this offsets any wage increase does it not?

I have notice employers expect more from employees than in the past with higher pay many employers cut staff and increase duties of staff. This is done to supposly protect revenues for the company. We live in a free enterprise system but what exactly or how much profit does a company really need to make?

Recently I took a position at a company I do not want to name but it is food. In the State I currently am residing in the minimum wage is $.945 per hour. This Company however does not want you just to deliver the food , they want you to answer phones, help customer in the lobby and drive up window, stock, and do food prep, and work the oven. In the mean time they still want the food delivered in a specific amount of time. This is done with the drivers even though they have staff to make the food. I use this just as an example the company feelsif the drivers do more forthepay than they can hire less people to make the food.

I can use other examples as well companies like fast food and some chain restaurants are installing computers like atms for people to order the food. Stating this frees up people in the front of the store to help in the back of the store.

Some really big retail stores installing more self serve check outs and going to robots in the store for inventory. Many companies are expanding the duties of a position and expecting more from the workers.

States across the Country are raising the wages while employers are screaming foul saying it cuts into the profits of the company therefore as an offset they raise the prices ob goods and services.

The Issue I see is that even with the wage increases the goods and services are being raised as well.  If you raise the prices on things like food, clothing, shelter, electric and housing you justoffsetany wages that increased.

I  recently moved from Reno Nevada where this exact case is happening. Prices of housing sky rocketed, prices of food went up, gas really high, and the basic cost of living was one of the highest in the Country.

You can increase wages for workers but if you keep raising the price of everything what have you really accomplished ?


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