Outlaw review of Avengers Infinity War

As my daughter and I decided to check out the movie AVENGERS INFINITY WAR. So I warn you that I am ruining the end of the movie so BE WARNED SPOILER COMING!

I have to Admit Alyssa and I have missed a lot of the movies leading to this movie so there are a lot of questions and comments in my review that most likely reflect this. However all the theaters where full. This movie is breaking all kinds of records in the box office.

So one thing I liked was some of the humor in the movie and the fact that some of the Super Hero Characters could do nothing to stop what was going to happen and the adding of Dr Strange. So the bad guy Thanos I believe that is how it is spelled. Thanos even for a bad guy seems to have a soft side but his whole idea is basically is killing half of the population of the Universe in his belief that the beings including humans and other races will basically over populate the Universe and end up in the ultimate destruction of themselves. Though you want to hate Thanos his theory and belief may be true.

So here I am picking up on a few parts of the movie I did not understand:

HULK:  Missing a few movies I did not understand why the HULK did not want to fight. In the movie the Hulk would not come out of Bruce Banner. In a brief moment the Hulk fights Thanos and loses. After this the Hulk refused to come out of Bruce Banner, So Bruce Banner fought in a robot against Thanos army later in the movie.To me this made no sense as in several Hulk movies the Hulk is pretty much indestructible. The Hulk crushed Loki in one movie and loved to punch Thor.
Hulk loved to crush and smash so I really did not like this version of the HULK.

DR STRANGE: MOVIE SPOILER HERE: At one point is seems the team of Iron Man, Spider Man, and some of the Guardians of the Galaxy have Thanos nearly beaten. In a moment one of the Guardians makes the mistake of punching Thanos and allowing him to regain his powers through the glove that harnesses the Infinity Stones. However Iron Man gets hurt and Dr. Strange offers up the time stone to save Tony Starks life.

THOR: I have a lot of issues with Thor. First of again I missed several movies but Thor is shown No Hammer, and he has an eye patch. Thought the character is played well he has to go make a new hammer to fight Thanos. Thor does the job but Thanos has the time stone and changes the outcome of the fight and gets the final stone in Vision. Thought I did like the way Thor was played.

In the End of movie Thanos wins and several of the heroes are shown blowing into dust including the Black Panther, Spider Man, and some of the other heroes. Thanos is shown sitting on his throne apparently on his home planet in the end of the movie.

Alyssa's Review

Admittedly, I was anticipating winding up bored throughout this movie. I've never been the biggest superhero fan and have seen very few of the movies leading up to Avengers: Infinity Wars. In fact, the only one I did see beforehand was Doctor Strange. Therefor, I was going to be missing plot points, previous events, and the ability to recognize a lot - a lot - of characters. I went in blind, and still wound up loving this movie.

For one thing, it defiantly didn't waste any time getting into the story. From the first scene, we see the bad guy. We see the damage he is capable of. We see the devastation he inflicts. We see some bad-ass fighting. The whole movie basically has an urgent pace, where you feel the desperation of the heroes, but without being rushed to the point it wasn't enjoyable.

In many stories, having more than a handful of characters leads to a messy, disoriented plot where the creator is trying to stuff as many things as he can into a few lines. To me, it didn't feel like this despite there being many, many different characters involved. It was more of a dance of interactions rather than characters stomping on each other's feet to get in the spotlight, and that's not an easy thing to do.

Despite my lack of knowledge, a lot of things were put in such a way I was still able to comprehend what was going on with this person and that one. This, for me, ended up being a big reason why I did enjoy the movie. Another being that we could easily convey a lot of what was being felt. We saw glimpses of a few lives between the chaos, not enough to bore me mind you, but enough that when things started to go wrong for characters, I sympathized. I cared about characters I hadn't met before, like The Vision. All because a few precious moments were spent going 'hey, this is what this person here is like as a person and not just as this superhero persona'.

There was humor I wasn't expecting, too. There were a lot of funny dialogue, and it helped make it so the movie wasn't entirely a bucket of sour emotions.

I liked the bad guy. Not because of what he wanted and ultimately did so but because, unlike a lot of modern day villains who are deemed bad just because they feel like it, this guy had reasoning. He truly believed in his cause, thought he was doing a necessary evil in order to save whole races, and in doing so ended up sacrificed everything. On the downside, while I knew he had to collect the stones and that each of them did a lot of things, I was still a bit confused about the concept of these stones. This, however, might be more out of a lack of seeing the other movies.

What I didn't like? Well, as my father probably mentioned, it was a bit disappointing not to see the Hulk beyond a few scenes of him refusing to emerge. While a lot of the characters I did wind up loving despite not knowing, this didn't extend to all of them. I just didn't care for the Black Widow, Bucky Barnes or even Captain America in the few scenes they were in. Again, it's hard to get in screen time for everyone, but what dialogue and appearances they did have, came off as flat and I didn't care about them at all.

I also find the idea of 'controlling reality' somewhat flawed. Why didn't such an ability open up more doors than bubbles? How come shattering a person like glass only lasted a minute or so? The extend and limitations of each stone's powers just needed more explanation.

Overall, this was an enjoyable movie. One I'd certainly watch again.


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