Have many sports have forgotten the FANS are who pays the bills?

So here we go down this road of fans and sports and the twist and turns of Sports in America and the World. As many of you out there probably like me LOVE SPORTS. I like all sports all levels that is why I have had my company OUTLAW SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT for nearly 16 years to date covering a massive variety of levels of sports.

I have always thought fans should have a louder voice and be heard a little more by all levels of sports. Recently with events about the National Anthem in the NFL who saw a huge drop in TV ratings and fans in the seats took a lesson of the power of the fans.

Face it you can have any type of sport but if fans are not into the sport what happens it closes or dies out I give you the XFL, UFL, and other sporting leagues that have dies out or closed the doors because fans lost interest or found other sports more entertaining or the sport had a lot of other issues.

Even the big boys like the NBA, NHL, MLB, NCAA, NFL are at the mercy of fans. TV deals and commercials and revenue streams from other resources are always based on fans. Other entertaining sports like the WWE recently signed large contracts with TV companies that are in the millions of dollars.

Fans can make or break a company involved in sports or even a team or franchisee. However the fans or public seem to forget the power they have if they stand together. Players make more money and large contracts, more merchandise sales, ticket sales, and other revenue sources but the fans are the ones who are buying the tickets, watching on TV, or buying merchandise.

So I bring you with this thought what if the fans just stop watching the games on TV, what if the fans stop going to the stadiums and stop  buying tickets, and what if the fans stop buying merchandise, and what if fans just decide that the sports leagues do not care about us THE FANS.





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