Healthy Food 4 Healthy Life ( Doing Keto or Carnivore Lifestyle with Kids)

Annie and I have been living in the KETO and CARNIVORE LIFESTYLE for over 5 years.

We have changed our LIFESTYLE and use food to maintain our health. In doing so we have decided to share our experience with you. We also provide FREE RESOURCES on our facebook group.



I do have to disclose I am still taking MORINGA as well.  Moringa is a plant that has been used for medical reasons in many foreign counties. It has been proven to have many benefits but I started taking it before we started our change to our KETO and CARNIVORE LIFESTYLE.

Recently Annie and I had a big change in our lives. We currently have a 6 year old boy and a 2 year old girl come live with us. We have had our grandchildren visit us for weeks at a time and they range from 2 to 17 with 1 girl and 4 boys. Our grandchildren are use to coming to our house and us living a KETO or CARNIVORE LIFESTYLE.

We don't change our lifestyle just because they come to stay with us they must adjust to our lifestyle. However it did start my mind thinking how hard it is to keep your children in a Keto or Carnivore Lifestyle.

As Annie and I enter this new phase of small children living with us it is easy to control what they eat at home but what about at school, or going to friends home, a social function, or as they get older hanging with friends, or even other relatives. Even things like a church function could be complicated.

The fact is the kids came from foster care and the old foster parents allowed them to eat from Fast Food places, and allowed junk food into the lives of the children. It may be a bit easier if they are your children and you start from birth going into the Keto and Carnivore Lifestyle. 

I can't say on this subject because I don't have any experience in it. Our two daughters however made the choice to live Vegetarian and Keto/Carnivore. Today they still live that way.

You most likely are going to run into a lot of resistance from others who do not understand your choices. You as the parent or guardian of the children will have to make it crystal clear what you desire for your children is to others. If they agree or disagree it is not really up to the outsiders these are your children and they should respect your choices. However as Annie and I enter this new phase of our challenge we have already discovered the battle has just begun.

It is one thing for Annie and I because we have done this for 5 years total so far. We have researched, blogged, done videos, attended training classes on nutrition, and completed training courses on Keto and Carnivore. So with any person I could put up a good debate or discussion on Keto or Carnivore.

However our world is full of temptations just last night Annie and took the kids to a store here in Springfield called Hy Vee. We visit this store on a regular basis to get meats and sometimes fruits and veggies. Tonight we took our two children to pizza. As they have a pizza making market in the store.

Yes you can do Pizza on KETO we did two cauliflower crust pizzas.

The kids loved it! They both ate the pizza with no complaint never knowing it was Keto. We had a good dinner and even the staff was very friendly. However as we left the store a few of the employees offered up SUCKERS for the kids. This was a nice gesture and we politely just said no thank you but my point is the temptation was there. The staff did not ask us first if it would be okay, it was just presented to the children going out the door. 

What about taking kids to day care or school?

This is another area where as the battle will most likely start. As a parent your going to have to either pack lunches or make it very clear on what your children can eat. However as kids grow they have a tendency to make choices themselves. We are all aware of this fact.

It may come to a point where as your child makes a different choice and you may just have to allow that choice. However I kinda feel that if you're raising a child or children and you teach them the proper choices they will in the end make the correct decisions and choices themselves.

However schools and day cares often do not have good nutritional meals and often offer things that come from the old research of nutrition from the Food and Drug Administration. You are gonna have to step up here and make sure your children get packed foods. Many schools have removed vending machines, candy and soda but still lack in the nutritional department.

How are Annie and I changing the way our new children eat?

Currently they are not in day care or school so they are having to adapt to our Keto and Carnivore Lifestyle. The word NO comes up a lot passing fast food places, or the candy isles, or other foods we do not consume any more. 

Luckily for the kids Annie is a great cook. 

They are getting all the nutritional needs but they are already eating Keto and Carnivore. We do not plan to change this and will continue our lifestyle. As the children age at some point they can make their own choices in how they want to eat. However we hope by that time they have learned and will choose to keep living the Keto and Carnivore Lifestyle.


Annie and I often pack things to take with us. This is what you may have to do as well. Road trips can be hard but there are ways to keep in the HEALTHY FOOD area. Try to avoid Fast Food maybe see if you can find a deli, food market, or fruit and veggie stand. 

What kid does not love strawberries?

For a long time with my youngest daughter we had a game to find the weirdest fruits and try them. Not all of them fell into the Keto or Carnivore Lifestyle but it was healthier than a candy bar. It also was fun when we attended a store or market to search out something to try.


As parents of children or Guardians of children we all want the best for them. Choosing to eat Healthy and living a Healthy Lifestyle will help them grow in all aspects of the lives they are going to live. As they grow they will eventually make decisions and choices and at that point we can only hope we have done our job and taught them well.

I will keep you up to date on our venture and how it goes. I will tell you what issues we come against. I will tell you of any changes or set backs or anything else as this is a new adventure for Annie and I as well.


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