Healthy Food 4 Healthy Life ( {Pound 4 Pound ) by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

Healthy Food 4 Healthy Life



Annie and I had been living a Keto life for over 3.5 years but then we got challenged to do a 30 day Carnivore Lifestyle. After 30 days I decided to stay in the Keto Lifestyle but my wife Annie decided to stay on with Carnivore. 

In the last 3.5 years Annie and I have experienced a better and healthier life due to our change in what we eat. I decided to research Keto and Healthy Living and blog our stories. Annie also decided to research and educate herself in many aspects of HEALTHY LIVING. 

We made a group on FACEBOOK, joined KETO groups, got in touch with communities that supported our Lifestyle. We both have experimented and educated ourselves and want to help other people gain a HAPPIER and HEALTHIER life!


It hit me like a ton of bricks one day at the Fish Market Counter as I was buying some fish. One filet of fish was 1 pound and I had bought 3 so it was 3 pounds. That night Annie cooked the fish and I ate 2 and she ate 1 meaning I just ate 2 pounds of fish and she had eaten 1. It started my mind thinking about how much food we eat on a daily basis. How many pounds does it add up to?

How much of that food goes to our body for nutrition and how much of it goes to waste in our bodies?

Is it possible that we eat too much food?

So the last 90 days I have documented my weight and some other stats and the results I found to be very remarkable. 

On 1/11/2023 I stepped on the scale and it read 212 Pounds. This started my every day documentation of what I was eating and how it would change based on what I ate daily. I also decided 1 day out of every month I would kick myself out of Ketosis and see what happened to my weight. 

The first 30 days going to 2/11/2023 I found my weight changed on a daily basis. Some days it was up and some days it was down but it never stayed the same. The one day I decided to kick myself out of Ketosis made my weight go up nearly 2 pounds. However it did go back down to 208 during the month after I got back on track but it took a few days. I also felt less energy and a bit off for a few days after I kicked myself out of Ketosis. I also found small changes in the other stats I was

Going into the 60 days to 3/11/2023 I discovered a pattern depending on what I ate my weight and stats changed on a daily basis up or down. The stats usually followed the same changes as the weight. Once again I chose a random day to kick myself out of Ketosis and the changes happened the very next day. My weight and stats are all going in the wrong direction. However it was corrected in a few days and I was back on track again.

Going into the 90 days ending on 4/11/2023 the patterns continue with the stats and weight. Once again I chose a random day to kick myself out of Ketosis and the same pattern happened. I am happy to say I ended up at 210 pounds at the end of the experiment.

So during the 90 days I experienced a 6 pound movement in weight ranging from 208 to 214. The stats also moved a little depending on what direction my weight was going. At one point my lowest weight was 200 pounds but my body for whatever reason seems to like 210 pounds. What I found out by doing this was a few things it matters not only what we eat but how much we eat as well. On the days I kicked myself out of Ketosis my weight and stars instantly moved in the wrong direction with my top weight at 214 pounds. I say my body seems to like the 210 pound area because during the experiment 210 pounds was documented most days.

The only time it changed was when I kicked myself out of Ketosis. There were a few times my weight hit 208 pounds during the experiment as well. The bottom line of doing this was I discovered patterns in how I was eating and how it was changing POUND 4 POUND.

I thought about it and I want to continue to document my weight and stats for 6 months. The only thing is I am going to stop the one day kicking me out of Ketosis. It just created too many issues.

The bottom line is it not only matters what you eat but how much you eat.


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