Keto and Healthy Living ( THE BANTING DIET WHAT IS IT AND WHY IT IS IMPORTANT ) by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik



For 3 years my wife Annie and I have been living a KETO LIFESTYLE. I started my blogs at the very start of our journey, and during this journey we have become experts in the Keto Lifestyle. We did this not only through our experience but also by learning from others, researching, and education. 

Today Annie and enjoy a happier and healthier life and I truly believe you can do this also!

We belong to Keto groups, follow top doctors and have created our own Facebook group.

WE ARE NOT HEALTH PROFESSIONALS HOWEVER but we decided to try to help others live a KETO LIFESTYLE or go HEALTHY LIVING so that you can optimize your health in a HAPPY and HEALTHY way.

My wife Annie recently discovered an interesting research study and I wanted to share with you the discovery.    

As many are aware KETO became popular in the 1920 to 1930's for children with epilepsy. We recently discovered there was documented evidence from around 1882 that proves the way we eat has a direct impact on our health and happiness.

Annie and I are constantly learning and educating ourselves in KETO and HEALTHY LIVING. 

We ran across a book that was written by WILLLIAM BANTING.

William Banting was not a doctor or scientist he was a carpenter and operated an undertaking business. Banting suffered from obesity. He was a wealthy man and used much money to consult doctors and medical experts on his obesity and health issues related to it. He finally found a Doctor named Williams Harvey who believed all the issues William Banting had would go away if he was able to lose some weight. 

Doctor Harvey prescribed a food diet  to William Banting that had never really been adopted by anyone at the time. Banting agreed to follow the diet and document it with Doctor Harvey. In the first year Banting lost 50 pounds, and his health got better. The best thing Banting and Doctor Harvey did however is they documented everything.  

In 1864 Banting and Harvey presented all the documentation and findings to the medical community and they got ridiculed for it. They both received much criticism over the years following from the medical society. In the book Banting describes how the medical society reacted to the findings and that is why he decided to write a book.

William Banting wrote a book called LETTER OF CORPULENCE.  The book sold over 63,000 copies all over Europe when it was first published. There are four editions. Today the book is still sold you can find a link above. Banting received thousands of letters from people who read the book and followed the diet and gained better health and happiness from it.

William Banting documented his meals in this book though I will admit they do not follow the KETO LIFESTYLE  however they do fit a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE!

The Banting Diet book offers documentation and evidence that is important to anyone out there who is in a similar situation. Even though in our modern times there is much debate about the way we eat, what we should eat, what is good for us and what is bad. 

This is just more evidence that foods and what we eat makes a difference in our health and happiness. 

It took the medical community 130 years to acknowledge the diet worked after many people followed the diet and got the same results as Banting. 

This issue is found with the KETO LIFESTYLE as well!

Thanks to my wife Annie who bought the book for me!

I enjoyed reading it and sharing the information with all of you!


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