Why Keto doesn't work for some people

I was just listening to a well known doctor who was talking about "one day off" methods for holidays with your family. Listening to her advice on taking a day off from eating Ketogenic foods made me angry! 

As a long term Ketotarian I  want to be respected like any other person who has made a lifestyle choice. Living a Ketogenic lifestyle is just like living a carnivore, vegetarian, or vegan lifestyle. You don't  take a day off. Your family supports you. They have low carb/ no carb meal items that the entire family can enjoy. 

Lack of support in any lifestyle is hard for anyone. But the fact that lifestyles can mean a person's overall health and wellness, means that loved ones should support you rather than hurt you.

Many people stop a Ketogenic Lifestyle because they have loved ones who don't understand how carbs hurt you. They are enablers constantly beckoning you to eat with them. 

Other reasons people leave a Ketogenic Lifestyle is lack of education. So many instructors and misinformation is on Social Media. Everyone says they are an expert. They give you recipes with substitutions so you can continue to eat the same foods. Consumer items on shelves say "Keto" friendly. But after reviewing the ingredients,  you find that they are not. Many people find that cooking a meal from scratch is to hard for them, or time consuming and it's easier to open a box.

The Ketogenic diet has to be a Ketogenic Lifestyle. It does work. But it has to become your number one priority. It has to be lived as the breath of life. Because your body is as important as breathing, if you want to survive and be healthy.

When I see things I can't eat, I look at them as poison. If I eat them, I will get sick and die. You may say that I have will power. I do. I have the will power to live a healthy life. I know what it is like to be so sick that I couldn't get out of bed. I could barely walk 10 feet without needing to sit down. Going back to those days is not an option for me. 

Like anything in this world, you have to work for it. If you need help and support, it is out there. You are not "the odd ball out". If Keto isn't working for you, then there has to be a reason why. There is a safe way to find the answers. Ask the experts. There are doctors and specialist who both live and prescribe the Ketogenic Lifestyle to their patients. Millions of people have been saved world-wide through living a Ketogenic lifestyle. Contact them. Take your life into your own hands. Stand up for yourself and say "I am fighting for my life". Then don't  back down. 

A good place to start is on my Facebook group Keto for healthier life I post educational videos. I also post videos from doctors to help get started and continue your progress. Many of these doctors have videos on healthy choices or food dishes. Also you are in a group community where you can reach out and be supported. Joining this group and finding your path is Free! We don't ask you any personal questions. You're only asked you to have a Facebook account and be a real person.

Good luck in your new lifestyle. I want you to succeed. When you win, we all win!

Annie Tomsik

Get  your Resources today:

Dr Eric Westman's book End Your Carb Confusion

Dr Ken Berry's book: Lies My Doctor Told Me

Dr Bret Scher's book: Your Best Health Ever!

Dr. Jason Fong's book: The Obesity Code &  The Diabetes Code


Fat Fiction

Fat; A Documentary

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