"Ah-Ha" Moments by Annie Tomsik


I hate to admit it. No woman in their right mind would. Although my husband never says a word. He never shames me. He never elude to acknowledgement, but it is painfully obvious, like many people of America I had become morbidly obese. Those two ugly words. 

The first time I heard the words "morbidly obese" I didn't recognize the meaning. I mean it was used on a person six hundred pounds. So why was the doctor in front of me using this term with me? I'm  looking at him and thinking "you are bigger then I  am. How can you be telling me this?"

I heard the same thing over the years from every doctor. I need to exercise more and eat more fruits and vegetables. That might be all fine and dandy for a regular person. But I had just herniated two disks in my back and was having a hard time standing upright. How do you properly exercise without putting your back into the motion?

Over the years I gained more weight. I followed all the "calories in, calories out" advice. I followed the "low fat" advice. I did the "egg whites only" fad. I did lose a few pounds juicing, but felt like I was hungry all the time and was swimming in juice.

I hurt my back when my youngest daughter was two years old. So for the next 18 years, I packed on the pounds. Little by little I looked like a beached whale. My clothing size went up and I felt bad about myself. The sad truth was I had become what most of my family had become. I went to our family reunion and all of the adults in my family looked as I did. They were either the same size, or bigger. So I started believing that this was a family trait that I couldn't get away from. I figured it was something I had inherited, and now matter what I would always be like this, so I might as well except it. 

Then my husband and I were in a minor car accident. I started having migraine headaches that would last up to ten days before breaking and the next would start. I was going through more pain and trauma than I should have, which led to the discovery that I have fibromyalgia. I was now also having symptoms of high blood pressure, and asthma. So exercise for me was even worse. I would have to do small tasks, and then go sit or lay down. I was always having a hard time breathing. I needed a rescue inhaler. The doctor sent me to having a breathing study, and I failed to complete it. 

The worse news for me was when I got the news on August 16th 2019, that I was a type 2 diabetic. My doctor was now telling me she wanted to prescribe insulin. My mind whirled. I was freaking out. My brother had gone down this rabbit hole before me and it wasn't favorable. I didn't want this. I started praying. "Lord help me"! 

I am blessed to say that when I went home that day I found the Ketogenic Lifestyle. I found a whole new way to live. I reversed my diabetic diagnosis. I no longer have high blood pressure. I can walk 3 miles without sitting down. I don't need my rescue inhaler. I have lost 97 pounds. I have amazing energy and can complete a task without sitting or laying down. I no longer have migraine headaches. Amazingly I am able to work a full time job again, and take care of my family.

The strangest part for me is when I walk past a mirror or a glass door that is tinted, and a different person is there, I have that Ah-Ha moment. Another was when my sister came to visit and she brought her bicycle. I had not been on one for twenty years, and I rode with ease. I was having so much fun like a little kid. I had another today when folding clothes and I pulled out a pair of paints that I thought were my daughters, and then I realized that they were mine and I had to take a moment and catch myself. 

I have felt bad about myself for so many years. I have looked at this fat girl in the mirror and wished for someone different. I know what it's like to have that low self esteem and be self conscious of everything. I know what it is to feel awful all of the time. To never have any energy and feel like you are drifting everyday.

I never thought I would weigh less than my husband. In our entire married life he has always weighed less than I have. But now (another ah-ha moment), he keeps picking me up. I think he is as excited about the new me, as I am. I feel like we are this youthful couple again. The most awesome thing is, my husband and I started dating again. See I didn't do this journey alone. I started keto because I had to. My husband started keto because he wanted to. We have made the change in our lifestyle together. Because of that, we have been greatly blessed.

Annie Tomsik


Get  your Resources today:

Dr Eric Westman's book End Your Carb Confusion

Dr Ken Berry's book: Lies My Doctor Told Me

Dr Bret Scher's book: Your Best Health Ever!

Dr. Jason Fong's book: The Obesity Code &  The Diabetes Code


Fat Fiction

Fat; A Documentary

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