Keto and Healthy Living ( Is there Good and Bad Sugar ? ) by the Outlaw MIcheal Tomsik

                 Welcome to my blog about our KETO LIFESTYLE and HEALTHY LIVING.

Annie and I are in our 3rd year of our Keto life. I decided to start blogging about Keto and our journey. I discovered there is a lot more to Keto and Healthy living than meets the eye. Like many things there is the correct information and incorrect. 

Many people misunderstand Keto or even Healthy Living.

First of all food does determin your overall health and well being. We as humans have one thing in common our bodies use food for energy and our bodies need food to survive. However each of us has a different and unique body. The truth is out there eating healthy will help you maintain a happier and healthier life. 

The bottom line is you have to research and determine what is best for you.

One of the misunderstands is about SUGAR and what GOOD SUGAR IS and what BAD SUGAR IS.

GOOD SUGAR comes from whole unprocessed fruits, vegetables, legums, and whole grains.

BAD SUGAR comes from added sugar in our drinks and food.

Foods that contain Natural Sugars like in fruits and vegetables have shown in research and studies to help the body unlike added sugar in foods like soda and other foods. One sugar additive that has really come into question is High Fructose Corn Syrup. It has been linked to Diabetes, High blood Pressure, Obesity, Heart Disease and other medical cont-ions and issues.

Unfortunately our foods have been saturated with sugar and the BAD SUGAR is hidden in many foods.

It is estimated that only 20 percent of all foods in a food store are natural sugars the other 80 percent contain added sugars that are bad for us. It is also estimated that we consume 80 grams of sugar per day or 20 teaspoons while studies and research have shown for men only about 9 teaspoons and for women only about 6 teaspoons are within the range that we should be in.

Over the years the food in our society has changed due to pollution, chemicals, genetic alterations, and other reasons. There is a movement however and society has learned that the foods we consume directly affects the health and happiness of every person.

Foods can prevent illness, reapair damages and illness to the body and mind, foods are the complete answer to many problems. However many doctors and health professionals want to rely on medications, and other alternatives instead of the simple idea that food could be the answer.

The answer to the question above is YES there is GOOD and BAD SUGARS!

One perk of a KETO LIFESTYLE is it limits your sugar intake therefore added beneifts come to your overall health and well being.

Maybe your not quite ready for KETO than I recommend you change to a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE.

You can avoid the bad sugars by reading ingredients and learning all the names for sugar, and watching foods that have natural sugars.

It is up to you and no one else can do it for you!

Micheal Tomsik


Get  your Resources today:

Dr Eric Westman's book End Your Carb Confusion

Dr Ken Berry's book: Lies My Doctor Told Me

Dr Bret Scher's book: Your Best Health Ever!

Dr. Jason Fong's book: The Obesity Code &  The Diabetes Code


Fat Fiction

Fat; A Documentary

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