Are you eating KETO right? by Annie Tomsik

Living a Ketogenic Lifestyle is not about depriving yourself. It isn't about doing it for weightless. It's about a healthier focus on you. No one wants to be deprived of the foods they one enjoyed. But than again no one wants to be obese or have diseases like Diabetes, Cancer, and Cardiovascular Disorders. Choosing to be a Ketotarian is like choosing to be a Vegan or Vegetarian. It becomes a lifestyle that you follow, in exchange of the old junk food lifestyle. 

Eating Keto means that you remove many food items like potatoes, rice, beans, bread and sugars. But as you do, your taste buds change. Your eating habits change. Not only do you see weight come off, but you feel more energy. You see illness disappear. You adapt to a healthier you.

So you now eat cauliflower rice instead of regular rice. You eat more leafy green vegetables. You eat zucchini instead of pasta. All of these are so much better for you. As the years go by, your body changes. It is far better to have it change in a healthy direction than to have the unhealthy one that we see others have, or that we may have had.

I notice that there are many different versions of Keto out there on the market. Many people are saying they didn't have success with Keto. The problem is that these versions are substituting artificial sweeteners for what used to be fructose corn syrup and sugar. They are dried fruits and berries to recipes, they lace meats in sugar. They market it as keto and then it doesn't work. 

Not to be offensive, but you can't be lazy about your health. You have to cook from scratch. You have to read all of the packaging your food comes in. You have to be diligent and research what you eat and how it effects you. This is your health. No one can do it for you.

There are many success stories out there. There are the ones like my Husband Micheal and myself. We are your average Ketotarians. I started a ketogenic lifestyle to reverse Diabetes, and my husband became my keto partner. Then there are successful celebrities like Halle Barry who has been living a ketogenic lifestyle for twenty years. There is Montel Williams who started a ketogenic lifestyle to change his diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. 

Whatever the reason you have decided to do this, you are taking your health into your own hands. So be serious about it. Focus on getting educated. You aren't doing this for someone else. Take control of you. You only have the one life. 

Tools to get started right: has over 500 doctors successful helping millions of patients around the world. They have doctors like Cardiologist Brett Schuer, and Nepherologist Jason Fong. There is the father of all success Doctor Eric Westman. 

Find a farmers market. Buy grass-feed meats, dairy, and eggs. Learn to love Salmon, Avocados, and leafy green vegetables. Give your body time to adjust. Don't watch the scale. 

It's all up yo you!

Annie Tomsik


Get  your Resources today:

Dr Eric Westman's book End Your Carb Confusion

Dr Ken Berry's book: Lies My Doctor Told Me

Dr Bret Scher's book: Your Best Health Ever!

Dr. Jason Fong's book: The Obesity Code &  The Diabetes Code


Fat Fiction

Fat; A Documentary

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