Seeking a job in Covid 19by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

So unfortunately recently I was let go from a position and here I have all the worries and concerns many people have. I have bills and a family to take care of.
However my wife Annie and I have been blessed a lot during the past 7 months. 
We can take me losing my job for a short while as she works a full time position as well.
We had been attempting to get back to our status on NO DEBT and Living a CASH LIFESTYLE.

I do not want to be out of work for to long so I may go back to Self Employment doing Doordash and Uber.

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So how do you look for a job in Covid 19 and what are some tips for finding new employment ?

Well first of all we are in a time when many people are looking for employment.
This means employers have more choices, more people applying, and there is more competition for jobs. Currently where I live the unemployment rate is small compared to some place only about 5%. 
However many companies closed for several months and some remain closed or reduced services.
Industries like restaurants, entertainment, bars, special events, retail, fast food, have all taken a huge hit from Covid 19. 
In Springfield Missouri we are currently under a mandatory mask at all public places.
The landscape of seeking a job has changed as well, many employers are online, there are few places where as you can walk in and meet the employer


Most employers are online as far as applications and this can be very frustrating due to the fact you have no clue if they even look at your resume, or if you apply online how many other candidates are applying for the same job.
Using job seeking web pages and applying through them is a way to start there are a variety of free services you can use I personally like Indeed. 
Start by applying to positions through these services.
Also you can use your State Employment Agency to seek jobs, and some places like the Goodwill, Salvation Army have services to help seek positions as well.
Your going to have to open doors, this may seem a bit impossible at times but it will pay off in the end.
Asking friends or family about possible job openings is another way to seek employment many times companies list jobs internally or it may be a small business that does not list positions.
Small business is a huge part of the economy so seeking out hidden positions can be time consuming.
This maybe a time to social network or go outside your comfort zone.
Seeking a job is pretty much is a full time job make sure you return calls, answer your phone, reply to emails, show up for interviews (dressed for the interview).
Seek out job fairs, or companies that hold interviews during certain days, recently I saw a company listed open interviews on the door on certain days and hours.
Apply apply apply till you find what you want or even if you may have to take a less desirable position.
The key is to open as many possibilities as you can, using as many resources as needed.


I have read many articles and seen much advice on this matter. 
The truth is many of us do not have a savings incase of a job loss, we live paycheck to paycheck. 
During Covid 19 and current conditions some reprives have been legally mandated about mortgages, rent, and other types of debt. 
However sooner or later these bills will be due.
First of all if laid off due to COVID 19 you can file unemployment, also I would suggest even seeing if you qualify for Food assistance through your local welfare offices.
Your going to have to reconsider your spending habits and  what is important to you and your family.
Maybe you have family that can help, or maybe you have some other resources.
I hate to say this but living off credit or borrowing money may be an option though I do not recommend this course of actions.


Face it you may have to consider a position you do not care for or ever considered doing.
I have always been the type of person who said I don't want a job I do not enjoy or like, but the fact remains we need a job or employment to have money.
You may take a position that is less desirable, less pay, or whatever but you can look still and have the comfort of an income while doing it.


Self Employment has many issues as well there are many companies out there that hire independent contractors. The delivery business is one of them with companies like DoorDash, Uber, Grub Hub, Postmates, Instart, and some out there that I am sure I am aware of.
You may want to look at some of my videos or older blogs on this matter but I would encourage you to do these types of positions or jobs if you feel you can.
There are many opportunities that are hidden out there sometimes research and investigating the needs of your area are required to find them.
Maybe you have a skill or talent my wife she makes soap and we have had a soap company for several years that we did many events with.
Sell stuff online or hold garage sales is another way to make money, there are companies like Poshmark, Mercari, Ebay, Etsy that you can sell online.
You have to think outside the box a bit, and you may find yourself not needing a full time employment.

So I will keep you all updated on my search and see if any of my tips and advice actually work.

The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik


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