Is there more lockdowns coming and what is next step with Covid19?

 I once again find myself writing about COVID19 because there are a lot of people out there who are in a world that they believe the virus is fake, or believe the media has taken us for a ride, or the other conspiracy theories out there.
I researched my facts from different agencies and this is the truth and real facts about Covid19.


Worldwide cases are at 16.7 million with nearly a 9.76 million recovery rate, and 661,000 deaths.

USA cases are at 4.46 million with nearly 2.17 million recovery rate, and 152,000 deaths.

In Missouri where I live there are 46,726 cases with 1,266 deaths.

In Green county where I live there are 1,1,41 cases.

Total world population estimated at 7,800,000,000 as of March 2020.

US population 330,912,290  as of July 2020

Many States at this point are in mandatory mask in public places.


It is going to be really difficult decisions for officials and government with the Covid19 Virus spreading like a wildfire in some places.
Just in my opinion I think the Covid19 Virus was overlooked and both the Government and health officials though it would cycle through in a few months but it has not been the case at all. 
At this point in time the Virus has not shown any signs of slowing in some places.

There is no top answer here you could ask:
 Can the economy of the United States take another shut down?
 Will people ignore another shut down?
 Will another shut down slow the progress of the Virus.
Is there a cure a vaccine or some other way to slow the spread or weaken the Virus?

How did other countries get the Virus to slow down or contain it?

Other countries acted very aggressively against the Virus they implemented strict lockdowns, and social distancing tactics. The results proved to work as cases diminished.

Why lockdowns may be coming again:

So far everything that has been done has failed to slow or stop the virus at this point in time.
There is really are 3 options and I talked about them in a blog a while back when Covid19 just started to appear in the USA.

1) Option #1 has already taken place to do lockdowns, enforce wearing mask and social distancing.

2) Option #2 was find a vaccination or a least a way to weaken the Virus and the deadly effects it can have on some people.

3) Option #3 the least popular option was total 100 percent infection rate, meaning we infect the entire world population with Covid19.

The last option is the one that needs to be avoided at all cost this would cause millions of people to possibly die. However it would end the Virus because it would have nowhere to go. Also this option certainly would start wars between people, governments, and countries. 
I mean would you want to be infected with a Virus that could possibly kill you?

We need to discuss the #2 option is there a vaccination or a way to weaken the Virus?

If we are going to go down that path than YES expect more shutdowns!
All resources should be towards a cure at this point in time if we accept that we are not slowing it down, and we accept that lockdowns, social distancing, and mask are going to save lives than why not.
Yes it may severely hurt the economy, but this may need to be done anyways.
I mean really people we are 25 Trillion Dollars in debt anyway.
This is a fact you can even research it!

As I blogged this today the internet filled up with stories of States increasing with the Virus.


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