
Showing posts from June, 2020

It is all about the Delivery business by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

Welcome to my first post of 2020 if you would like to view my older YOU TUBES:  CLICK HERE! In 2017 I was still operating Outlaw Entertainment Company and I was asked by several people to do a story on DOORDASH and UBER EATS. So I took upon myself to investigate the companies and the delivery business in general. I have written countless blogs, and also even got into Uber Passenger pick up and drop offs. Recently COVID 19 has brought a whole new spin on the delivery business. The first question is how much can I make delivery business but it can be a loaded question. Are you going to be self employed as a independent contractor or gainfully employed with a company. So let's discuss working for a company that does delivery first. Upon working for a company like a fast food chain, or another delivery company has some advantages as you will be paid by the company. This means that company must follow the State and Federal rules and regulations on wages. Each state has diffe

Covid 19 what is coming next?

Here in Springfield Missouri cases are climbing as well in many other places. Here in Missouri currently 21,748 cases confirmed and 1,026 deaths. USA currently has 2.6 million cases and 129,000 deaths. WORLDWIDE currently has 10.4 million cases and 507,000 deaths. Unfortunately it already has made some states go to mandatory MASK in public places. It looks like FLORIDA, ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA, TEXAS are seeing spikes in the cases and not a decrease in the COVID 19 cases causing the States to move backwards. So your asking WHAT WILL COME NEXT? Stopping the Virus at this point in time is most likely not going to happen. Experts all ready agree the spread is happening to fast and across the USA. Closing down the entire economy is most likely not going to happen either however. As of the last closure the country experienced a high unemployment rate jumping from 3 percent before the lock downs and up to as high as 25 percent in some places during lockdowns. Since the re opening

The return of All about Delivery Driving and Employment Opportunities

Hello you all it has been quite a while since I have done a video or blog. I did videos from 2017 to 2019 in Reno Nevada on YOU TUBE CLICK HERE . I also did massive research on Door Dash and Uber Eats you can read some of my old blogs here if you look up Door Dash or Uber Eats or Delivery my blogs will pop up. At the end of 2019 I moved from Reno Nevada to Springfield Missouri. I closed down the ALL ABOUT DELIVERY VIDEOS AND BLOGS. It is currently June 2020 and it has been 5 months and no I have not been doing any DOOR DASH or UBER. However I think I need to reopen the ALL ABOUT DELIVERY blog and videos in July 2020. So here is what I am going todo I will be posting videos and blogs about the DELIVERY BUSINESS including job postings ,independent contracting, wages, taxes, tios, advice and more. I will be making a new intro video soon! I hope that you will all join me THE OUTLAW MICHEAL TOMSIK!                                                Annie,Micheal and Kato To

Should I leave my job if I hate it ?

Recently on my facebook CLICK HERE FOR MY FACEBOOK  a person asked this question: SHOULD I LEAVE MY JOB IF HATE IT? So I thought as both a person whom has been an employee and business owner I would toss some though on this subject. HOURS PER WEEK: This is a break down of some realistic facts: Many of us work 40 hours a week 8 hours per day. Since we can all agree that there are 7 days in a week all with 24 hours in them the total number of hours in a week would be 168. Lets just say 8 hours per day are for sleep ot resting that would add up to be 56 hours per week. Than adding our 40 hours of work that would add up to 96 hours. Leaving 72 hours per week of free time. This does not including anyone whom may have a second job or self employment. The truth and fact is many of us spend a majority of our time at work. The first question you should ask yourself :  WHY DO I HATE MY JOB? It is import to discover the answer to this question because maybe it is not the job. A

Companies closing in 2020 or reducing stores.

The odds on some  companies closing may be higher than you think the affects of COVID 19 are adding up fast as the country trys to re open what companies may be hurt the most and what are the odds on them closing for good? PIER 1 IMPORTS : Currently in the process of closing of 450 retail locations. GAMESTOP: Currently closing 320 retail locations. VICTORIA SECRETS: Currently closing 238 retail locations. GAP: Currently closing 230 retail locations. TUESDAY MORNING: Filed for Bankruptcy and already closed 230 of 700 retail locations. WALGREENS: Currently closing 200 retail locations FOREVER 21: Currently closing 350 stores globally and 178 retail locations in USA. MACYS: Currently closing 125 retail locations. NORDSTROMS: Closing 19 retail locations

The return of Sports and Sporting Events in June 2020

June 2020 is going to be a big month as sports open back up around the world. Covid 19 had sports closed for several months closing down a billion dollar industry in the USA. The NFL one of the largest sports leagues with 32 teams and many in major cities that often operates from August through February. The league often starts training camps in June or July and Pre Season usually starts in August. The regular and playoffs ending with the championship game in February. Normally there are live games on Mondays, and Thursdays and Saturday and Sundays. College Sports is another huge draw with both football and basketball. Due to the Covid 19 the normal MARCH MADNESS TOURNAMENT was shut down. College sports rely on TV and live events for revenue for the college and teams. Though talks from the NCAA areon going this could affect the whole entire industry. MLB>NBA<NHL also all affected by the Covid 19 seasons had to be shut down, playoffs and championship games called off and

WWE changes the WWE NETWORK

WWE changes the WWE NETWORK. I admit that I have not been following the WWE I have not watched an episode of Raw, Smackdown, or NXT in a few months since the COVID 19 and Wrestle Mania. I have not blogged a PAY PER VIEW matter of fact I could not even tell you what story lines are going on who the champions are, or whom is even wrestling in the WWE currently. WWE STOCK is going back up however after plummeting from $80 a share down to $38 a share it has rebounded to currently $47 a share. The WWE was struck by the COVID 19 as well with the company having to call off live audiences. The company also had investment in the XFL that already has gone bankrupt. Though live shows continued and Pay Per Views moved forward many of the WWE fans turned away from the shows losing a large part of the audience on national TV. THE NETWORK: The WWE created a streaming network in 2014 that people pay $9.99 per month for and currently has an estimated 1.9 million subscribers. It was only e