The end of 2020 may be my final ride The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik
It has been a heck of a ride for me and my media career on the radio,internet, blogging, sports broadcasting, video and documentary producer but I have to tell you all the truth I was pplanning on a End of my ride at the end of 2020. In the past I have considered this and every time I have found a reason to come back. This year however I moved from Nevada to Missouri, and than COVID 19 killed all sports and events for a short while, actually most of them still are shut down. I considered not renewing my media and production company, my bl;og but there is one thing I TRULY LOVE SPORTS and I LOVE covering and doing events. So at this point in time I am not doing any thing all my documentaires have come to a stop, all my productions are on hold, I am not covering, reviewing or blogging any sports. Some projects I was working on with Uber and Door Dash and Delivery stopped, my RV Life documentary ended, and my Down and Out series is ended. However I am always interested in any ...