Why is it called Lookie Loos and what is a Lookie Loo?

Today my wife and are driving on I-80 west and the traffic is backed up for miles in every direction and your first thought is something happened to create the traffic stopping. However as we worked our way through the traffic nothing was happening on the West side of the freeway it was all on the East side where a car accident had happened.

Though the traffic was backed up on the East side but why was the traffic and everyone slowing down on the WEST side?

It is called LOOKIE LOOS!

This is so very true on many things as people and humans our curiosity and our instinct to find out what the heck is going on creates what I call LOOKIE LOO SYNDROME.

I see it all the time at a car crash or some one pulled over, an ambulance or fire truck involved, or some event that we seem to need to find out about.The fact is that LOOKIE LOOS make the even or whatever is happening even more troublesome because we pay more attention to that than what we are doing. This sometimes creates even more turmoil than the event itself. Do not feel bad however it is a HUMAN INSTINCT to want to know and find out what is going on!

I do not post blame because I am guilty of being a LOOKIE LOO myself. I have often found myself wanting to find out what is going on even at some points reporting it on facebook, twitter or youtube. It has gotten me into trouble as well on a few occasions.

The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik


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