Healthy Food 4 Healthy Life ( How to deal with all the Holidays with kids candy and family and fighting the system)
Annie and I have been living in the KETO and CARNIVORE LIFESTYLE for over 5 years. We have changed our LIFESTYLE and use food to maintain our health. In doing so we have decided to share our experience with you. We also provide FREE RESOURCES on our facebook group. CLICK TO JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP Hello fellow followers and Carnivore and Ketovore family friends and those who are searching for answers to a HAPPY HEALTHY LIFE! Recently in the past few months Annie and I completely changed our lives adding 2 small children to our home they are ages 6 and 2. They also both have mental issues and other issues that create learning disabilities and health issues. This has been a challenge for Annie and I however we decided that we would keep our Healthy Lifestyle and the kids would just have to adapt to our Lifestyle. YOU CAN READ THE TWO OTHER BLOGS HERE IF YOU WANNA CATCH UP WITH OUR STORY: BLOG NUMBER 2 LINK BLOG NUMBER 1 LINK In the past 3 months since t...