The Outlaw Wrestling Club and Podcast ( Three Decades of being a Pro Wrestling Fan ) by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik




I think about today and the last year and half of doing the Outlaw Wrestling Club and Podcast with my good friend Lonnie Willis who goes by Whispering Eagle on the Podcast. It was actually funny how it all started as I had moved from Reno Nevada to Springfield Missouri in 2020.

I had thought my days as the Outlaw and covering sports had ended. I even did a retirement video at the end of 2019. However I had taken a job as a medical driver and I met Lonnie driving him to his medical appointments. As Lonnie is wheel chair bound if ya all are not aware of that.

We talked in the van and of course wrestling came up in the conversation so I one day asked Lonnie if he wanted to do a podcast with me about Wrestling. Honestly I never thought it would get as popular or last as long as it has but I am glad it has.

For me wrestling was not always in my life, As a matter of fact I never really thought about entertainment wrestling even the whole time I did Outlaw Sports Radio or Outlaw Sports Entertainment. 

I was a fan from my early 20's and recall watching it with my grandfather once in awhile.

i was always interested to see what was happening the story lines, the feuds, and the drama. However life moved forward and even though I followed mostly the WWE. I began to really follow during the days of WCW (World Championship Wrestling) and the WWE ( World Wrestling Entertainment) was known as the WWF ( World Wrestling Federation) at that time.

I loved some of the personas the company came up with like the Undertaker, Triple HHH, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Cactus Jack, Rock, and many other entertainers of that time. I am sure I probably had a crush or two on some of the women in the WWE and WCW at the time as well.

Through the years I followed the companies and the industry but it was in Las Vegas where I took my girls to see the Final show in the WCW where Sting and Rick Flair meet for the final time before the WCW closed the doors.

Then I was able to see a few live shows in different places including just recently in Kansas City. I have never been able to go to a major pay per view. Maybe some day I can find a way to do that for the moment it is mostly watching from home.

I meet Triple HHH and Chyna in Reno, and once had an encounter with Barry Hardy. I never have really met or been around any of the other entertainers however since that time.

In Florida while I was working with ESPN and doing my radio show called Outlaw Sports Entertainment I covered a few wrestling events.

I had a sports bar for a few years and when the NFL season was not on the WWE was always showing in the bar. It was amazing how the customers became fans as well knowing it was on the TV in the bar, I would get a request to put the wrestling on over the NFL sometimes on the main screen for the bar.

Watching today I look back it seems a bit strange as my girls are all grown up and things have changed in our world. The pro wrestling stays however as the WWE is the longest running TV series in America believe it or not. Some companies closed like the WCW and ECW, but new companies emerged like the AEW (All Elite Wrestlung). 

The entertainers got older and new entertainers entered the industry as it goes. It is funny how something like wrestling can actually become part of your life. You get invested in the story lines, the entertainers, and the industry overall.People seem a bit taken sometimes if you say your a wrestling fan however because of the background of the companies being scripted and many people believing the wresting is fake.

Looking at it today the main company that has lead the way is the WWE and it has been around since the 1950's. Looking at in 2023 the industry has become overall one of the largest entertainment companies on TV and live events. Today two companies lead the way WWE and AEW but other smaller companies are pushing forward as well.

Things changed for me as well in the last year and half doing the podcast, writing blogs, posting stories and news feeds, watching the shows on TV, chatting in a chat room and doing wrestling has brought some life back to my sports company.

I would like it to even be more if I found a way to follow the companies be at more events interview the entertainers I would but for the moment I am just happy doing a weekly podcast, blogging and posting in the group and chatting with other fans in social media.

It is hard to believe that 30 years have passed and still wrestling is a part of my life.

I close with this I have no idea how long we will do the podcast, or continue the chat room, or group on facebook, or how long I will continue to write blogs, however as long as I am having fun, and enjoying what I am doing I will keep doing it.

All I can say is that if you a fan or you read this blog and want to become a fan join is Outlaws on the group or chat room or read the blogs or listen to the podcast.




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