Healthy Food 4 Healthy Life ( HOW TO EAT HEALTHY ON VACATION OR TRAVELING) by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik
Healthy Food 4 Healthy Life
Annie and I had been living a Keto life for over 3.5 years but then we got challenged to do a 30 day Carnivore Lifestyle. After 30 days I decided to stay in the Keto Lifestyle but my wife Annie decided to stay on with Carnivore.
In the last 3.5 years Annie and I have experienced a better and healthier life due to our change in what we eat. I decided to research Keto and Healthy Living and blog our stories. Annie also decided to research and educate herself in many aspects of HEALTHY LIVING.
We made a group on FACEBOOK, joined KETO groups, got in touch with communities that supported our Lifestyle. We both have experimented and educated ourselves and want to help other people gain a HAPPIER and HEALTHIER life!
Annie and I recently took an 11 day trip to 21 States you can follow our story on LIVING LIFE WITH THE OUTLAWS
On this journey we had to stay in our Keto and Carnivore Lifestyle. We had cooked and prepped meats and foods we could eat along our journey. Something I would highly recommend doing as you will save yourself time searching for places to eat, and save yourself some money as well.
However we ran into an issue somehow in our cooler the meats got contaminated with an unknown liquid so we decided to scrap all the food we had made. This forced us to find ways to eat including stopping at some restaurants, fast food places, and food stores.
I see a lot of people who have issues keeping in the LIFESTYLE while traveling or on vacation.
TIP #1)
BE UP FRONT with FAMILY, FRIENDS, and RELATIVES, or people you are visiting. Our family is well aware we live this Keto, Carnivore LIFESTYLE and they asked a lot of questions but all of our family prepped foods we could eat and accommodated our LIFESTYLE.
TIP #2)
Research restaurants, hotels, food stores and places that you plan on visiting. This way you can accommodate your LIFESTYLE. Most restaurants, fast food places, or food stores accommodate people with special diets.
TIP #3)
Do not give into the cheat day or friends or family who say things like (this will not hurt you, or you can eat this with me). One of the biggest problems I hear from people is pressure from co-workers, family, friends, or associates who try to get you to sway from your Lifestyle.
TIP #4)
Do not let it stress you your vacation is for you to relax and have fun.
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