Keto and Heath;y Living ( Keto and Vertigo ) by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik



For  over 3 years my wife Annie and I have been living in a KETO LIFESTYLE. I started my blogs at the very start of our journey, and during this journey we have become experts in the Keto Lifestyle. We did this not only through our experience but also by learning from others, researching, and education. 

Today Annie and enjoy a happier and healthier life and I truly believe you can do this also!

We belong to Keto groups, follow top doctors and have created our own Facebook group.

WE ARE NOT HEALTH PROFESSIONALS HOWEVER but we decided to try to help others live a KETO LIFESTYLE or go HEALTHY LIVING so that you can optimize your health in a HAPPY and HEALTHY way.

I start out with the fact we are all human and as humans we all age, and have different issues with our human bodies. We all age differently and there are many factors that contribute to our overall health. Things like our DNA, genetics, environment and all kinds of other factors also contribute to your overall health.

As far as PERFECT HEALTH I would approach it this way WE CAN LIVE IN THE BEST POSSIBLE HEALTH if we decide that for ourselves. 

I was diagnosed with VERTIGO nearly 4 years ago before Annie and I started our KETO LIFESTYLE.

VERTIGO: I hear people say they have vertigo a lot it is a  condition that makes you feel as if the room is spinning even though it is not.  It can be caused by many different medical issues but the most common one is an issue within the inner ear. It also can be created by an issue within your brain as well.  In research up to 40% of people will experience VERTIGO  at least once in a lifetime. 
There are some  recommended treatments but the type I have requires surgery with the possibility of  the Vertigo not being cured so I decided to just live with Vertigo.
I had 4 attacks where the VERTIGO  knocked me completely out and I fell to the floor. 
It was to the point  I did not want to drive a vehicle due to the fact  I was scared I would have an attack and crash. I was having massive attacks almost daily. It was really bad and there was no cure.

We started researching treatments but there really are few options for my type of VERTIGO. People tell me all the time you can cure VERTIGO but there is not a cure. Most doctors will prescribe nausea medication.

I decided to train myself to feel the VERTIGO symptoms 
I would get ringing in the ears, and the room would spin. 
I even got to a point where I could withstand lower level attacks. 
However to this day I still get VERTIGO attacks and they can vary in the power of the attack from a minor inconvenience all the way to knocking me out although I have not had one that strong in nearly 4 years.
Annie and I always research this is one thing I truly love about my wife ANNIE is  that she has done a majority of our life changes with our KETO LIFESTYLE.  

However before we started  KETO I found a natural plant that has helped with my VERTIGO it is called  MORINGA.

MORINGA is a plant that has been used overseas and in many other countries to treat diseases. Click the word Moringa and it is linked to a page that gives you information. Moringa is not FDA approved however there has been so much research done that like KETO it is highly under rated by the Health Care community.

Since I started taking Moringa my VERTIGO attacks have slowed way down and the strength of them has become very low so that I can usually tolerate them. I am in my 4th year of taking Moringa and have no plans to stop. I will warn you if you decide to try MORINGA get it from a good resource, 
I use a company called PAISLEY FARMS.

I had been doing the MORINGA for 1 year before ANNIE and I changed our lifestyle to KETO.

So KETO is a low carb, low calorie, and  low sugar LIFESTYLE.  Moringa has many of the same qualities as the KETO LIFESTYLE.  So in us adding our Keto LIFESTYLE I believe the combination has led to my having way less VERTIGO ATTACKS and the strength of them being much lower as well.

There is no cure for  my VERTIGO however I truly believe the KETO LIFESTYLE and the MORINGA have had an impact on the VERTIGO. Today I am confident I can drive because once I know my symptoms I can pull over if needed however I do have to live with the fact I never know from day to day what the VERTIGO will do to me.   It is always on my mind!  


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