Dying to eat

 Since I started living a Ketogenic Lifestyle, I have noticed that friends and loved ones around me are sick with similar health issues I went through. I often blog about my brother who was also diagnosed as a diabetic and the suffering he had before losing his life a year ago. He was the reason I  chose to change my eating habits and stick to only eating the low carb way.

I have become a preacher of sorts. Each time i encounter someone suffering from an ailment I once had, I try to convince them to change. The biggest problem I see is pier pressure. 

I see people who choose to start a Ketogenic Lifestyle and they do good on it. But after finding some success, someone they know talks them into quitting. Sometimes it's a loved one. Other times it's a healthcare professional. In most of these cases the person who is pushing, has no clinical knowledge of what they are talking about.

You could say that I am not a healthcare professional and I have no clinical knowledge either. But this is absolutely incorrect. I was a nurse for more than 20 years. I have seen and cared for more diabetes patients than I can count. I have monitored their glucose and given their insulin injections. I've cared for those with amputations and dialysis. I have been on the front lines of seeing firsthand how diabetes affects people's bodies. I've also been on the receiving end of my body going through changes as I myself progressed into becoming a type two diabetic.

But after I started living a Ketogenic Lifestyle I also have went through the clinical aspects of changing my diet and health. I saw myself gain energy, lose weight, and change my over all health. I was slowly weened off of beta blockers and blood pressure medications. I no longer have migraine headaches. My asthma is completely gone. I have perfect cholesterol readings. My blood work comes back with a notice saying "absence of diabetes". I love that phrase.

I have dealt with the nah-sayers. I have had doctors who have disagreed with me. But I came to realize that they didn't have any nutritional education. They didn't do any clinical trials. Those people who try to pursued me to eat carbs again, are suffering poor health still. 

What I have found out through my keto journey, is that people only change if they want to change. They stop eating garbage when they finally get it in their heads that it is killing them. Until then, they take the easy was out. Listening to people who don't really know. Listening to doctors who would rather push pharmaceutical. 

This was my brother. Although it breaks my heart to think of all he went through. When he died, there was soda pop, potato chips and other junk food in his room. He was a full on type two diabetic with two legs amputated, blindness in one eye, a heart stent and dialysis three times a week. Yet he couldn't stop eating poison, and it killed him. I think about where he was three years after his diagnosis. As I come upon my third year since my diagnosis I see the huge difference. I feel sad for his choices. But I keep trying to convince the people around me to change. 

So I am asking you today.... what is more important? Optimization your health, or suffering to eat the junk that others are getting rich off of? Changing your lifestyle to get healthier, or taking medication and injections to fuel a doctor's ego and line the pharmaceutical pockets. The choice is yours!

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