Keto and Healthy Living ( Our Ketovore update and why I believe you need Berries/Nuts/ and Greens) by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik


Thanks for following our KETO LIFESTYLE journey. 

Annie and I on March 1st 2022 decided to try the Ketovore Lifestyle however after week one we decided to go back to KETO. 

We had these main issues:
#1) Packing our lunch was hard we had to think and plan what we could eat. We managed to work it out for the week but it proved to be a bit of a challenge.
#2) Planning dinner became an issue also when your just eating meat it is a little hard to mix up the meal plans.
 After the first week we discussed the challenge and decided to go back to our normal Keto Lifestyle.

Here I pose my argument ( THIS IS ONLY BASED ON MY OPINION AND NOT RESEARCH OR MEDICAL FACTS) of why I feel that you need to balance out the KETOVORE LIFESTYLE a little more. You could make eating meat the majority of your diet but you still need fruits, nuts, berries, and greens if you ask me. 

I will show you why I feel this way in this blog.

The people whom are doing Ketovore say it is the perfect human diet, and that we have been eating this way for thousands of years. Since I am part Native American Indian Annie told me to think about living back in time and I started to think about it. As I thought about it I discovered some facts based on research and science to back up my argument.

Through history and research and science is has been found many Native American Tribes consumed corn, beans, chile, squash, wild fruits, berries, herbs, wild greens, nuts, and meats such as buffalo, elk, turkey, duck, deer, rabbit, bear, and fish. Fishing was a major source of many tribes this is why many of the Tribes set up camps near rivers or lakes. Many Native Americans also made bread from grains.

So if you want a real history lesson science and research has determined that from 12,000 to 2.5  million years ago the main diet of humans included vegetables, fruit, nuts, roots, and meat.

The difference is that in both cases is the food was natural, no chemicals, no genetic alterations, no sugar added. All the food was natural from the plants to the animals.

One thing I noticed in some videos and blogs about Ketovore is that people had to add minerals and vitamins to the meats or drinks. So in my line of thinking your not getting those needed vitamins and minerals in a natural way. Many fruits, berries, nuts, and greens offer these vitamins and minerals naturally.

Here is another fact meat does not have FIBER. 
Also we need 13 vitamins in order to live, and though you can get most of them through just eating meat the ones you will miss only come from veggies, berries, and nuts. Also if your body does not get enough vitamin E your body can not use vitamin K. Even though you can get these by eating meat for some reason it will not be enough for the body to use.

Also many studies have been done on just eating all meat lifestyle and in almost every study the minerals and vitamins came up short. Thus this is why people eating just meat must add supplements to the diet.

Keto however mixes the meats with the other fruits, berries, and nuts to keep the body getting all the nutritional value from them. 

Annie had issues in the week with headaches, and leg and feet cramps so we believe this was due to the lack of some minerals and vitamins. 

This is why I believe you need berries, nuts, and greens.


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