Keto lifestyle and losing weight and maintaining health by Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

 A KETO LIFESTYLE  is just not about losing weight but it about living a healthier, happier life as well for me.

Anytime you are considering a major change in your life you should get some medical advice or consult a medical professional such as a doctor.

It has been a little over a year since my wife Annie and myself changed our lives dramatically with just the way we ate food.

The truth was we both had been spiraling down a path of self destruction, we had both gained weight, and also our health was suffering for it as well. Annie was diagnosed with diabetes and I had gained nearly 50 pounds and it was showing mostly in my mid section.

We got told by a Doctor there was no turning back, but that answer was not good enough for us. We had a relative who ended up losing limbs from being diabetic, we have family that has issues with weight and health so we dramatically changed our entire life.

Keto has a long and proven history of making people healthier, lose weight, or maintain weight and believe it or not the changes are not all that bad. Most people Annie and I encounter or discuss Keto with believe that it is a hard change and that it cost more money in food cost.

The truth is that Keto just changes how your body uses the food for fuel, and there are many different ways and options out there for things or foods you think you will miss. Annie and I are always on the search for new ideas, new ways to enjoy what we eat, while having it be good for us and our bodies.

With age your body naturally changes, this is part of human life as we know it, there is no miracle cure, there is no stopping the aging process, nut you can have a healthy life, a happy life.

If you look on my facebook Annie and I post food ideas we have tried and liked, including recently how to make Keto bread.

To date I myself with no additional exercise besides my normal daily stuff I do have still managed to lose that 50 pounds and maintain my current weight. Annie has lost more than 70 pounds to date and she is using an exercise bike, and does daily exercises to help improve her health.

All in all I am not telling you this is a cure for all but keeping your body healthy, eating properly and healthy goes a long way in your overall health.

All or most of our lives we are taught what was good to eat,  but was it all incorrect, and these days so many things are processed, and have added chemicals, or other additives that really are not healthy for us.

The age of farm fresh fruits, vegetables, meats has gone, though there is some hope as much of the doctors, scientist, and people who  study health have come to realize how we eat is a huge part of our overall health.

I am not a fitness expert, a food expert, a doctor, I can not tell you what is best for you, I can only tell you my experience and what has worked for me. Annie allows me to share her story as well.

This is what our blogs are about and why we post food recipes, and talk about Keto.

In a world with a major Virus like Covid 19 it is more important that we share how to keep healthy and happy.

So I hope you will countinue to follow my blog see our links at facebook, email me, contact me, talk to me, bounce ideas of of me, or if you just need a friend I am here for you all.

The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik


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