Eating Healthy Will it cost you more Money and Why

Recently I have had some revelations in my life.  My youngest daughter Alyssa turned veterinarian a few years back purely by her decision. Since than I also decided to try to change my life and eating habits. It really hit me hard when I stepped on a scale and was at 245 pounds.

Most of my life I have been pretty normal size and weight, but growing older and not working out as much, and poor eating habits lead to my weight gain.

Like many people Fast Food became a crutch of choice, even though my wife did prepare meals at home we found ourselves at events for our companies, at work, or on the road a lot. 
It was simpler just to say lets go to Taco Bell, or Burger King or Del Taco, or KFC.

The truth is it is harder to shop healthy and it may end up it may cost you more out of pocket than you think.

Recently the reality of our life hit us in the face with my wife Annie having more medical issues, and part of it was from the way we ate. Some dramatic changes had to be done to help my wife and her conditions,.
Well she did not tell me I had to join her but I decided to join in the battle.
Alyssa our daughter joined in as well so we started counting calories, and following a Keto diet.


Going from one extreme to the other, we have avoided FAST FOOD places for a few weeks, closing in on 30 days.

Cutting soda out as well.

Cutting candy, sugars, and counting calories, as well moving away from bread.

We have started shakes with flex seed and chia seeds in our diet.

Drinking Green Tea, and Annie still loves her coffee however!

Alyssa and I take our dogs Kato and Shadow on a nightly walk.

We have introduced nuts like Almonds, and changed to Almond Milk as well.

We also added more fish and seafood to the diet like Salmon and Shrimp.

So Here inlays some of the issues we have encountered and yes eating healthy is more expensive in my opinion.

Adding water as much as we can to our daily lives.


While the fruits and veggies may be cheaper you need more of them to sustain the calories and  proteins the body requires on a daily bases to function properly.

If you go yo a FARMERS Market the fruits and veggies will be slightly more expensive, and if you find organic it will be even more.

Also the Keto diet is mostly fatty meats and so fish, shrimp, meats will also bring the cost of food more expensive.

however you may save in medications, doctors, and your health will improve most likely.


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