Degeneration X returns on Monday Night Raw

Live Raw on 10/8 highlights and Recap by the Outlaw Micheal Tomsik. Usually I am on Twitter live if you want to join me live Monday nights on WWE Raw on USA.

Triple H enters Raw after his win ( by cheating) at Australia. HBK comes to the ring after Triple H.
A recap of the match Down Under as Triple H talks about Respect.
HBK and Triple H lecture about respect but they do not understand the meaning and certainly do not honor it.
Triple H and HBK challenge the Undertaker and Kane and Degeneration X returns! It seems that WWE will be having a Geriatrics Division.
Triple H is 49
Shawn Michaels is 53
Kane is 51
Undertaker is 53

Rio Rush is at Ring Side pushing Bobby Lashley but the crowd is not reacting to Lio Rush.
The Crowd seems to favor Kevin Owens in this match.
After the match Lashley attacks Owens smashing Owens legs into the ring post as the crowd Boos!
Finn Balor and Bayley are interviewing and Lio Rush and Lashley interfere in the interview.
Elias is in the ring and manages to make the crowd angry again as Rousey comes to the ring.
Nikki and Bri Bella attack Rousey after the match and Rousey is left in the ring beaten down.
Baron Corbin puts himself in a Rumble match to win a spot in the WWE World Cup Tournament.
Kurt Angle wins the Rumble and he is going to Crown Jewel for the Tournament.
Trish Strtus in the ring and Alexa Bliss and Mickie James come out to the ramp area.
Alexa and Mickie ask for a tag match and Lita come out and the fight starts.
AOP after the match attack Ascension and Bobby Roode and Gable.
Pual Heyman comes out and talks smack about the match at Crown Jewel


Bobby Lashley vs Kevin Owens:
Winner: Bobby Lashley

Rousey and Bella Twins vs Riott Squad:
Winners: Bellas and Rousey

Jinder Mahal and Alicia Fox vs Finn Balor and Bayley:
Winner: Balor and Bayley

Global Battle Royal is announced  and the winner is going to Crown Jewel for the  WWE World Cup Tournament:
Winner: Kurt Angle

Nia Jax vs Ember Moon:
Winner: Moon by count out

Bobby Roode vs Ascension:
Winners: Roode and Gable

Shield vs Pack:
Winners: Pack


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