TIPPING thoughts by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

Today out running around I went to Jack in the Box and found a cup on the outside of the window that had in bold black letters TIPS. I decided that on FACEBOOK  I posted up a poll and asked the question:


There are a lot of discussions about tips and tipping. You could most likely have an endless debate on where tips should be given, and what should be tipped or even if tipping is needed or required.
It is defiantly a subject that a person could could go on and on about in endless cycles.

Also known as GRATUITY tips and tipping has been around in America since the early 1520's. Tipping is a practiced social custom in the United States however in present times it has raised many questions and debates.

Questions that usually come up with tipping:

How much should a person tip?
What services are usually tipped?
Is Tipping required by law?

Before I discuss these questions here is my Outlaw Perspective on Tipping:
Working in Nevada in the sports book for the casinos that have been known for the TIPS or TIPPING I feel tips or tipping is an important part for both the person tipping and the person being tipped. I also owned a bar and grill so I got first hand experience on tips and tipping in that industry works as well. I feel tipping is a important part of several industries.

Tips and Pay:
In Nevada many positions rely on tips because of the lower wages offered by casinos.
You could argue however here in 2018 wages have risen Nevada however in a tipped position the wage the employer is only required to pay is. between $7.25 to $8.25 per hour based on Federal Wage Laws. Each State however has laws on how much tipped employees are paid. Also tips can be taxed many employers are making employees add tips to paychecks instead of keeping them on a daily or weekly bases. I am not familiar with what other States are doing with tipped employees so I can not say for sure what the laws or regulations may or may not be.

Tipping can really include anyone you feel deserves your Gratuity. 

Here are some common industry positions that usually are tipped:
Servers, cooks, and other staff in restaurants.
Taxi drivers and delivery food drivers.
Casino or hotel positions like dealers, servers, sports book writers, valet, porter, housekeepers, maids, and bartenders.
Caters, doorman or door-woman, barber or hair stylist.
Exotic dancers, golf caddies, ski instructors, gardener, paper delivery person, somonelier (Wine Expert), concierge, maitre d', massage person, dog groomer, driving instructor, tattoo artist, recreational and tour guides, diving instructors.
There may be more to this list but these are top positions that usually are tipped.

How much should I tip?
This question alone can bring up a debate for an entire day.
Some say 10%, some 15%, and some 20%.
Tipping can be a very personal thing I really feel that it should really be determined by the person whom is doing the tipping. After all they are the one that should determine the tip amount to be given. Some places and States are adding tips to the bill as well.

Is Tipping required by Law?
It is not illegal not to tip but some States have added mandatory tipping regulations. Recently I was in a buffet here in Reno and I saw a sign that stated 18% gratuity will be added to parties over 12 people. This is becoming a more normal and accepted practice at many restaurants. Some States are allowing restaurants to add gratuity to the bill as well. This is becoming more of a normal practice in many places. However what happens if your service was not good, or the experience sucked. Some court cases have already been lost in fighting the mandatory tips added to bills due to these reasons. Though it is not a LAW to TIP it seems that courts lean on the side of the business that add the tips and not the customer leaving the tips.

My OUTLAW closing thoughts:
I do think tipping is important however I do not feel being forced or adding a tip to my bill is the right way to go about it. Working in the Casino Industry and owning a bar and grill I have sen the affects of tipping. It is a vital part of our society and economy. I also believe that tipping should be determined by the person that is receiving the service or goods, and not determined by a mandatory regulation or law.

Thanks for listening to my thoughts on Tipping By The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik


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