Raw after the Elimination Chamber by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

Raw starts off by a recap of the Elimination Chamber.  I love the Joan Jett song Bad Reputation escorting Rowdy Ronda Rousey. What was Triple H thinking getting in the face of Rousey and what was Stephanie McMahon thinking. No matter Rousey is a MMA fighter WWE should not promote a man attacking a woman. Just the opinion of one OUTLAW!

So WWE is choosing going down a pretty boring road in my opinion choosing Bliss and Asuka and Lesnar and Reigns and most likely a tag team match between Rousey/Angle and the Authority. Seems the WWE Universe is ok with boring storylines and drama in the WWE but one OUTLAW wants some head turning jaw dropping head scratching turns and twist but is the WWE even capable of that anymore?

Bliss comes out with James and makes front of the entire women division. Auska comes to the ring. Bliss keeps running her mouth and the fans boo. Here comes Jax and Bliss and James come in and Bailey and Banks comes in. Jax and Bliss and James leave the ring.  A tag match is made but it seems Banks and Bailey are having issues as Bailey bailed on Banks in the match tonight.

Cena comes out as of lately he really is not focused on Wrestling. Cena goes through his failures and says he did not give up. He address the Universe and they boo him mostly. Cena says he is challenging the Undertaker. The fans goes ballistic. Cena says that match is not happening because the powers to be can not make it happen. Cena says he is going to Smackdown on Tuesday to earn a spot for Wrestlemania.

Wyatt gets on the mic after he takes out his opponents he rants about Hardy and says they will face again. Wyatt says he is coming for Matt Hardy.

Miz and company shown coming to the ring but more recaps of the Rousey contract signing. The whole idea of what was Triple H going to to do Rousey. Is this really what WWE wants to teach the WWE Universe. I hate to recap but even if Rousey can handle herself WWE does not need to promote a man attacking a woman.

The Miz comes to the ring with Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel. Miz complains and brags about his title. So at this point someone needed to walk out and do something but WWE is afraid I think. Seth Rollins comes out to wrestle the Miz finally. After the match Balor comes out and Rollins leaves. During the match the Miz and company cheat again but Gallows and Anderson come to the ring. Angle finally makes a management decision and kicks everyone out and tells Miz a winner will happen in the match or he will not go to Wrestlemania.

Roman Reigns comes out to the ring. Reigns takes the mic and says he can beat Lesnar. Reigns has a point about Lesnar. I give props to Reigns I really think he was being honest. So no Lesnar on Raw tonight. Reigns is right the fans deserve better and have really been let down by Lesnar and the WWE.

The Bar actually ask a good question who would they face on Raw in the Tag Team Division?

Elias is in the ring singing again. Really not sure how the WWE is taking Elias he seems to be gaining fans. Elias makes fun of Corey Graves and sings a tune about Strowman.

The last 2 minutes of Raw is dedicated to Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. Kurt Angle is called out but Ronda comes out. Angle says he lied last night. Ronda tells Stephanie to apologize to her or rip her arm out. The crowd chants rips it off. Triple H slams Kurt Angle upon leaving.


Tag Team Match: Bailey, Banks, Asuka vs James, Jax, and Bliss:
Winners: Bailey Banks, Asuka

Wyatt vs Slater:
No Winner: The Bell never rang but Wyatt took out Rhyno and Slater.

Rollins vs Miz:
Winner: Rollins

Balor vs Miz:
Winner: Balor

Tag Team TItle Match 2 out of 3 falls The Bar vs Titus World Wide:
The Bar gets the first Pin Fall
The Bar gets the Second Pin Fall
Winners: The Bar

Strowman vs Elias:
Winner: Eias cheats and Storman goes after Elias. A limo pulls up during Strowman chase.Match ends in a dq.


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