Money In The Bank Results and Recap The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

Thank if you if you joined me on Twitter today and on for Money in The Bank with WWE. I will be posting the results and recap live this may be one of my last pay per views however. I am debating cutting my WWE subscription to the Universe.
I found out my account had been hacked and a fake account set up so I stopped my account.
I am debating if I want to continue after Money in the Bank on Pay Per Views.

A little over 13000 live fans at the Money in the Bank!

New Day shown in the back with Owens giving them pancakes and syrup. Owens ask if the other 2 members would take out Strowman. New Day says they do not cheat. Owens says he does not like pancakes and tells New Day the cereal sucks. New Day tells Owens to leave.
Elias in the ring before match as crowd chanting WE ARE SCUMBAGS.
Paige and Angle talking in the back with Baron Corbin with threats of Stephanie McMahon.
Paige is so funny as she points out to Baron Corbin how he failed to cash in last year.

Pre Show match:

Bludgeon Brothers vs Anderson and Gallows:
Winners: Bludgeon Brothers


Early in the match Daniel goes for a submission move on Cass.
However Cass tosses Daniel to the outside of the ring than tosses Brayn back in the ring.
Big Cass covers but Brayn kicks out, however Cass gets a Bear hug on Brayn.
Cass covers again but Brayn kicks out.
Cass mocking Brayn  but misses Braym in the corner , and Brayn attacks the left leg.
Brayn  attacks Cass and Brayn gets the S lock but Cass gets to the ropes.
The match goes outside the ring as Brayn keeps the attack going.
Cass and Brayn back in the ring and it is all Cass and Cass covers Brayn , but Brayn kicks out.
Cass torture rack on Brayn and Cass covers again but Brayn kicks out.
Brayn chop blocks and Yes kicks but Cass fights back but Daniel is focused.
Cass covers again Brayn kicks out.
Cass tourture rack again but gets out and Brayn gets the Heel hook on Cass.
Cass taps out!

Zayn goes outside the ring and than gets out of the ring attempting to frustrate Lashley.
Lashley on outside of ring and is being counted out.
Zayn on outside of the ring Zayn attacks Lashley and ref counts again.
Lashley finally starts to awaken and Lashley attacks Zayn.
Lashley gets Zayn again but Lashley does not try to cover and attacks Zayn more.
Lashley covers him finally.

Rollins won the Title 69 nights ago and already has defended it more than WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar.
Elias taking control of the match early on but Rollins firing back.
Rollins and Elias going back and forth the match is a little slow at this point.
After Rollins hits his neck on the outside of the ring and Elias attacks Rollins.
Elias cover Rollins but Rollins kicks out.
Elias DDT on Rollins and Rollins kicks out again.
Elias misses a knee drop and Rollins comes to life.
Elias on the floor and Rollins dives through the ropes and hits Elias.
Elias covers after the knee goes out on Rollins but Rollins kicks out again.
Elias and Rollins punches back and forth and Rollins nails Elias with a kick.
Rollins frog splash and Elias blocks and Elias covers again but Rollins kicks out.
Elias on ropes and superplex and the Falcon Arrow from Rollins, but Elias kicks out.
Rollins goes outside and Elias attacks but can not get the 3 count on Rollins.
Elias back on the attack but a back and forth match.
Rollins get Elias with the tights on a roll up and wins the match.

Sasha Banks, Ember Moon, Becky Lynch, Natyla, Lana, Namoi, Charlotte Flair, Alexa Bliss
A Ladder already out Becky Lynch smashes Natyla on the outside of the ring.
Moon has a ladder in the ring but Namoi stops her but Banks brings a ladder into the ring.
Moon with a ladder again but Banks and Moon fight and Banks got smashed on a ladder.
Lana with a ladder attacks Moon and tosses one ladder out of the ring.
Natyla with Lana and Namoi on ladders and Natyla and Flair go at it in the ring.
Flair with ladder but Lynch fight over the ladder with Flair, but Namoi stops it.
Moon and Namoi holding a lasdder and Lynch climbs up and gets attacked in corner.
Moon nails Namoi into the ladder, and Banks brings in more ladders.
Banks sets up a ladder but Flair stops her.
Banks and Flair on ladder as Banks nearly at top Lynch nearly gets the Bank.
Banks and Lynch on the ladder but Lana puts another ladder and climbs up/
Everyone is on the ladders Lana and Moon on top.
Bliss was going up but Flair takes her off and Lana and Bliss.
Lana in the ring alone and locks a hold on Bliss and up she goes.
Namoi had the case and Lynch moves the ladder but Flair comes up.
Bliss pushes ladder over and Flair up the ladder and Banks goes up.
Namoi and than Lana again but Natyla stops her.
Moon on the ladder but Flair stops her and than Lynch.
Lynch up the ladder almost has the case but Bliss gets it

Roman comes out fighting but Mahal comes right back in the match.
Roman Samoan drop and covers Mahal but a quick kick out and crowd chanting BORING!
Sings jumps out of the wheelchair and slams Reigns into the ring post.
Mahal takes over the match and covers Reigns but he kicks out.
Crowd chanting THIS IS AWFUL!
Mahal in the ring has Reigns on the mat grinding him down.
Mahal and Reigns on outside of the ring than back in the ring.
Crowd very vocal during the match!
Mahal seems to be in control of the match at this point.
Mahal a kick to Reigns and Reigns lands a punch to Mahal.
Mahal covers Reigns but a kick out.
Reigns attempts to cover Mahal but he kicks out.
Mahal slams Reigns and covers him but another kick out.
Reigns Superman Punch on Mahal but he kicks out.
Reigns  goes for a spear but Mahal blocks and Reigns is rocked.
Reigns and Mahal back and forth and goes out of the ring.
Sing attempts another push and distracts Roman but he Super Man punches Sing Brother.
Sing is speared as well but Mahal gets Reigns in a roll up.
Roman Spears Mahal.

Carmella showing off in the start of the match and really showing off moon walking outside the ring.
Asuka kicking Carmella and Carmella goes out of the ring.
Carmella gets her title and attempts to leave but Asuka derails her.
Carmella got Asuka in the corner and tosses Asuka back in attempts to cover her.
Carmella kicks Asuka and covers Asuka again but she kicks out.
Asuka gets a knee bar but Carmella gets to the ropes.
Crowd chants ASUKA!
Asuka covers Carmella after a series of moves but Carmella kicks out.
Carmella moves the ropes as Asuka fly's out of the ring.
Carmella kicks Asuka out of the ring again as the ref is counting.
Carmella fly's out of the ring and tosses Asuka back in and attempts to cover her.
There is another wrestler on the outside of the ring in a Asuka mask and outfit looking at Asuka as she looks shocked.
It is James Ellsworth 
Carmella pins Asuka.

Last Man Standing for WWE Smackdown Championship 
Fans chanting both names as the match starts and the fans being very vocal again.
Ref counted to 2 on Nakamura.
Ref counts to 6 on Aj Styles.
Ref counts again Nakmura is up and gets to a count of 5 on Aj Styles.
Ref starts count again gets to 4 on Aj Styles.
Ref starts count again gets to 5 on AJ Styles.
Ref counts again on Aj Styles to 5.
They go outside the ring.
Ref counting on Aj Styles he gets up on 7.
Ref counting with both men down as they both get up at 7.
Ref counting again with both men down but they are up at 6.
Ref counting again as both men down but they get up at 7.
Ref counting on Nakamura and he gets up at 8.
They go outside the ring again and Namamura slams Aj Styles on the table.
Nakamura got his knee kick and Ref is counting on both but Nakamura is up and Aj Styles gets up at 9.
Nakamura brings in a table in the ring. Nakamura and Aj on top rope but Nakamura uses the table.
Nakamura tosses Aj Styles through the table as Ref counts on Aj Styles as Ref stops at 8.
Nakamura revels the steel turn buckle hurts his knee.
Ref counting on Nakamura as he gets up at 6.
Aj gets a chair on outside of ring and Ref counts again and Aj uses the chair again.
Nakamura gets low blow on AJ and the ref counts on Aj again as he gets up at 9 again.
Nakamura nails Aj Styles with the knee again and ref is counting again and Aj Styles up at 9 again.
Styles Clash to Nakamura on floor as crowd chants HOLY SHIT!
Nakamura is asking for more as Aj Styles nails a low blow, and Aj Styles from inside the ring and nails Nakamura on the table.
Ref counting Nakamura is out!

Nia coming after Rousey as she tosses Rousey around.
Rousey strikes and Nia head butts Rousey
Jax had Rousey on her shoulders and Rousey got the arm.
Nia showing power and slams Rousey to the mat with a power bomb.
Rousey is on outside the ring as ref starts 10 count.
Nia slams Rousey into barricade mats and covers Rousey but a kick out.
Nia with Rousey in a press and a cover from Nia but another kick out.
Nia just slammed Rousey again and tosses Rousey around the ring.
Nia gets bear hug to Rousey.
Nia drops Rousey again and she kicks out of a cover.
Nia went for a leg drop and Rousey moves.
Rousey gets the bar but the hold is broken.
Rousey on top rope and gets Nia and she kicks out.
Rousey unloads on Nia.
Rousey flips Nia and covers her but she kicks out.
Bliss attacks ousey slams Nia again and she has the arm var is appliqued and Bliss interferes.
Bliss cashes in Nia.
Bliss with DDT and gets the arm.
Bliss covers Nia

Rusev, Miz, Bruan Strowman, Kevin Owens, Samoa Joe, Finn Balor, Bobby Roode, Kofi Kingston
Everyone goes after Strowman but that fails entirely.
Strowman gets a ladder but Joe and Kingston get Strowman.
They all attack Strowman and they pile ladders on him
Miz is in the ring all by himself but Joe stops him.
Joe gets a ladder and nails joe and Miz.
Kofi gets a ladder on Joe.
Kofi sets up the ladder and Owens hets Kofi off the ladder.
Owens up the ladder and Balor has his hands on the case.
Balor up the ladder again but Roode stops him and Balor stops Roode.
Owens with another ladder in the ring.
Owens thinking about ladder on outside of the ring and Owens goes up but Rusev going up another ladder in the ring so Owens stops him.
Joe and Kofi and Kofi sets up the ladder but Miz stops him.
Strowman up but Owens and Rusev are stopping him for the moment.
Joe gets Strowman and Owens is up the ladder and Strowman on table as Owens goes up.
Strowman is up the ladder and Strowman is mad and tosses Owens down to the table.
Strowman on the way to ring and destroys a ladder.
Strowman was on the ladder but Joe seems bent on getting the case.
Joe and Balor on ladder and Roode pushes ladder down.
Rusev setting up the ladder but Miz tips the ladder and sets it up again.
Miz up the ladder and Kofi nearly gets the case.
Roode pushes the ladder and Balor goes on a ladder outside the ring.
Balor up but Strowman is back.
Balor Kofi and Strowman all on the ladder .


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